Skepticism about human-caused climate change continues to increase around the world.
A recent poll conducted by a group within the University of Chicago found that belief in humans causing all or most climate change had slumped in America to 49% from the 60% level recorded just five years ago. [emphasis, links added]
Similar falls have been recorded elsewhere, with a recent IPSOS survey covering two-thirds of the world’s population revealing that nearly four people in every 10 believe climate change is mainly due to natural causes.
Perhaps the most surprising statistic from the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago (EPIC) survey is that 70% of Americans are unwilling to spend more than $2.50 a week to combat climate change.
Nearly four in 10 Americans said they were unwilling to pay a couple of dimes.
Despite decades of relentless green doomsday agitprop designed to corral populations into living under a collectivist Net Zero-ordered society, it appears that the vast majority of Americans are unwilling to pay even the chump change in their back pockets to stop climate change.
Surveys such as EPIC and IPSOS speak to the fundamental flaw in the ‘settled’ science surrounding the suggestion that humans burning fossil fuels are causing the climate to break down.
The hypothesis is unproven – not a single science paper provides conclusive proof.
Natural causes and the proposition that carbon dioxide becomes ‘saturated’ beyond certain atmospheric levels are more convincing explanations for scientific observations.
Fears that mainstream climate science is heavily corrupted by faulty data, pseudoscientific modeling, and outright political cherry-picking are becoming more widespread.
Interestingly, the recent overall fall in support for human-caused climate change in the U.S. is due to Democrats and Independents.
Skepticism levels remain high among Republicans but there have been dramatic increases among Left-leaning Democrats.
Nevertheless, Democrats were found to be more likely than Republicans to be influenced by the ‘evidence’ of what is called ‘extreme’ weather (71% vs 30% for Democrats vs Republicans).
This news will bring some comfort to green propagandists since the recent lack of noticeable global warming has led to a massive rise in pseudoscientific attributions of single weather events to overall climate change.
Personal observations are said to influence 55% of Democrats, compared with 20% of Republicans, while appeals to higher authority play better on the Left than the Right.
News coverage ranks higher for Democrats at 47% vs 20%, while scientists, most of whom go along with the ‘settled’ agenda, score 73% against just 32% for more skeptical Republicans.
EPIC also found that skepticism was rising among young people aged between 18-29 with a 17% decline in numbers who think humans play a predominant role in changing the climate.
The drop was just as significant for those who graduated from college as those with a high school diploma (11%). Of considerable interest was this 17% fall compared with just a 9% drop for those aged over 60.
This will concern alarmists since the impressionable young are heavily targeted with green agitprop from an early age.
The IPSOS survey found that levels of climate skepticism were similar in all age categories. As with EPIC, it found that political leanings were decisive.
In the seven countries where political input was sought, 28% on the Left turned out to be climate skeptics, compared with 50% on the Right.
Is it surprising that climate skepticism is increasing throughout the world? As noted, anthropogenic climate science rests on a shaky evidence base, which no amount of debate cancellation, modeling, invented attributions and data manipulation can hide.
Over nearly 50 years, laudable environmental concerns have been hijacked to promote a collectivist, controlling political agenda.
But decades of easy virtue-signaling are coming to an end, and the harsh realities of Net Zero are starting to become obvious.
Claims that the green revolution will be largely painless are seen for the nonsense they are by the realistic Net Zero appraisal publicized by the Government-funded U.K. FIRES collaborative project.
Read rest at Climate Scepticism
Seventy percent of Americans are unwilling to spend more than $2.50 a week to fight climate change. Yet on the national level and in many states polices have been implemented that cost each household hundreds of dollars a year. This shows democracy has been by passed. In the very early years of the climate change fraud it was recognized that democracy had to be by passed.
Belief in human-caused climate changes is due mainly to self-described experts relentlessly telling the uninformed that it is a fact. True science makes the case clear that AGW is a hoax. I am unwilling to waste a single cent to cure “something” that derives from natural causes.
I am a climate skeptic since I was a little girl, and the more I read, the less I believe that climate change is human made.
The theories around AGW become more and more absurd, and lately they even started to scare Greta and CO with the Runaway Greenhouse phenomena that in reality is a large scale phenomena, larger than the phenomena that causes ice and warm ages, strictly linked to a star life circle, the position of the planet in the habitable zone or outside it and the specific condition of the planet itself. Venus for example is in the habitable zone, but it rotates too slow on itself and has a dense atmosphere, so is perfect for a runaway greenhouse effect. All conditions that are absent on Earth.
I have been totally convinced “climate change” was a hoax at least 20 years ago or more. The reasons are as follows: 1. When my grandmother told me weather always runs in cycles. Here in Australia, the east coast and more are really impacted by La Nina and El Nino which of course vastly influences our climate. 2. The swap from freezing planet to roasting one. When one realises 1979 was a starting point for mythical “warming”. We later understood that the previous cooling period was turning to a minor warming one, the hysteria began and the media have had a field day ever since. 3 The constant fraudulent “prophesies’ by activists. Here in Australia, one Tim Flannery predicted things like ‘dams would never fill again’, Perth in WA would become a ghost town etc. Our State Governments spent billions on desalination plans on his bogus predictions. . Yet by 2011, parts of the country had horrendous floods, Queensland in particular, with the state capital Brisbane having an enormous inundation. Too much computer modeling and activism in the whole scenario to be true.
Before the start of the climate fraud I lived in California long enough to experience its cycles of drought followed by years of heavy rain. After the start of global warming/climate change movement, every period drought has been said to be caused by anthropological climate change and we need to make big scarifies to combat it.
More people are starting to see through the whole Global Warming/Climate Change Scam and taking aa second look and seeing t he whole Global Warming/Climate Change as a big time scam being used by the Globalists to scare them all into surrendering their Freedom to the New World Order and the UN Global Government the real reason the UN was founded in the first place
We all already pay enormous amonts for”greenery” from our taxes.Industry likewise, handicapping UN compliantInt nations.
That rebarbative fact is completely unwarranted and undemocratic.
Personally, I would not contribute to it with a cent or 1p.