In January 1972, the National Science Foundation held a meeting at Brown University to discuss “climatic change” – then meant global cooling, which they said was of natural origin.
When Will the Present Interglacial End? | Science
Later that year, the participants sent a letter to President Nixon warning of a new ice age within a century.
The White House “seized” on the global cooling threat.
NASA’s top climate experts predicted a new ice age by the year 2021.
U.S. Scientist Sees New Ice Age Coming
The US Military responded to the global cooling, which they said was causing “extreme weather”
Everything which now gets blamed on global warming was blamed on global cooling.
Scientists realized that global cooling was a potential big money scam for them.
In 1974, the New York Times reported on a meeting of climate experts in Germany. There was a unanimous consensus that global cooling threatened the world’s food supply.
Walter Orr Roberts of NCAR was a key player behind this.
Climate Changes Endanger World’s Food Output – 1974 –
In 1974, the CIA said global cooling would produce drought, famine, international conflict and political unrest throughout the world.
Daily News – Google News Archive Search
The White House bought off on the global cooling/climate change scam, and by December 1974 taxpayer dollars were permanently diverted extorted by the scientists. By the early 1980s, the global cooling scam had seamlessly morphed into the global warming scam.
The climate mafia now denies the global cooling scam ever happened, saying it consisted of “nine paragraphs in Newsweek in 1975.” Climate criminals assume that everyone else is stupid and will believe anything they say.
How the “Global Cooling” Story Came to Be – Scientific American
There is nothing new about this, however. Scientists have been pulling the same climate change scam for centuries.
Read more at Real Climate Science
So 40 years ago it was Global Cooling now its Global Warming before that it was DDT,Air and water Pollution and some wackos are blabbering about Light Pollution proof the modern Eco-Wacko movments based upon junk science and lies I can still remember them saying of building giant domes over our cities(John Travolta blabbers this poppycock)or wearing gasmaks outside our homes(Some Eco_Wackos wear gas maks during their idiotic protests
Climate alarmist chose to remain ignorant of what doesn’t support their agenda. This not only involves the climate cooling scare, but the heat waves of the 1930’s. Many are ignorant of and others try to minimize significant climate change of the past such as the mini ice age, the medieval warm period, and Roman warm period.
However, we do need to keep true history and science in mind. Plants grow slower in cooler weather. My home town has the agriculture limited by a short growing season which would even be shorter in a cooler climate. Some areas without significant frost problems would have them in cooler climate. History tells of food shortages and hunger during the mini ice age. We need to keep this in mind since we are at real risk of entering another mini age.
Note , none of the alarmist cooling stories of the 1970’s proposed that a massive increase in man made CO2 to stop the pretend cooling crisis of the day . And to think EXXON knew all we had to do was improve the standard of living by using fossil fuels, warm the planet and they didn’t even tell their shareholders . Shocking !
A $Trillion dollar fraud should justify a Special Prosecutor don’t you think ? Chasing fake DNC/ Clinton paid for Russia dossiers pales in comparison .
What this article really shows is the current global warming fraud was plagiarized from the global cooling fraud which was also supposed to have been settled science fiction .
The reality is the study of climate is not settled , never was , and they don’t even understand the main inter relationship of natural
variables . Building a climate math model on top of an active earthquake of climate variables is scientific fraud . The perpetrators of the fraud and the enablers know full well they are lying to people by claiming anything else . They prey on the scientific illiteracy of the media , greed of politicians and corporate welfare bums .
Who was ever held accountable for the 1970’s global cooling scam ?
This kind of news would send the Granola bar munchers/tree huggers into a tailspin from which they could not recover and they’ll Crash & Burn with Al Bore leading the way