Rep. Doug LaMalfa (R-CA) recently posed a question to a panel of climate experts at a House Transportation Committee hearing about the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act: what percentage of carbon dioxide (CO2) is currently in the atmosphere?
Despite the panelists being experts in their fields and pushing to ‘electrify everything‘, none of them gave an even remotely correct answer.
Instead, their answers were significantly overstated, with members of the panel claiming CO2 makes up between 5 and 8 percent of the atmosphere.
The correct answer, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Earth System Research Laboratory, is 0.04 percent.
The exchange between LaMalfa and the so-called climate experts has raised questions about the accuracy of the information that is being used in congressional hearings and to pass policies.
It also highlights the importance of accurate data and scientific evidence in discussions, especially when it comes to calls to paper the country with solar panels and windmills.
The exchange between LaMalfa and the climate panel serves as a stark reminder that the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act was based on shoddy and outdated information, if at all.
Those demanding a total end to the use of Fossil Fuels over this whole Global Warming/Climate Change Scam had better rethink it all and the consiquences
I saw a video of this on Twitter the other day but didn’t know who the people were who had no clue about CO2 concentration. Actually figured they were Democrat Congressmen, not so-called climate experts.