Hans Schellnhuber – “HJS Ausschnitt B√ºro bw” by Foto Hollin – Wikipedia:Contact us/Photo submission. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.The scientist who advised the pope on his climate change message is a godless man whose Almighty is the Earth. We keep trying to adjust our set because there is something very wrong with this picture.
Pope Francis issued an encyclical last week that brought a lot of fire and brimstone his way, and deservedly so. He wandered far outside his divine calling and lectured his church about man’s role in global warming.
Anyone who wondered how he could do such a thing have their answer in Hans Schellnhuber, the microbiologist who advised Francis. Schellnhuber, The Stream reports, is a “self-professed atheist” who “appears to believe in a Mother Earth.”
That makes Schellnhuber, from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, a believer in Gaia, the name given to Earth as a mystical living system that some believe is deserving of worship.
Francis, we assume, does not worship the creation but instead the creator. His partnership with someone whose belief rests at almost the opposite end of the spectrum might make the faithful uncomfortable.
When Francis’ encyclical was leaked last week, we wondered if his position on the man-made global warming question was “a misuse of the authority of the Roman Catholic Church and the church at large.”
Our conclusion has only been solidified by the revelation that the pope was in league with Schellnhuber.
The pope indicates that his primary trouble with global warming is its projected devastating impact on those at the socioeconomic bottom. He has been told, Bloomberg Business reports, by his Hindu advisor Veerabhadran Ramanathan that “the poorest 3 billion people are going to suffer the worst consequences.”
But as Competitive Enterprise Institute founder Fred Smith wrote in Forbes, “it is the environmental proposals currently being championed as solutions, however, that are the real threat.”
The “environmental proposals” have never been about the environment anyway. Rather, they are, in the words of Ottmar Edenhofer, a U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change official, intended as vehicles for the “distribution of the world’s resources.”
From atheists to strong-arm redistributionists, this pope is unequally yoked with those who don’t share the tenets of his faith — but who are happy to use that faith to achieve their political aims. Yes, there’s truly something wrong here.