Former Environmental Protection Agency chief Lisa Jackson co-hosted a fundraiser for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Wednesday — an ironic twist since Jackson left the Obama administration amid a major email scandal.
Jackson co-hosted the Clinton fundraiser with Apple CEO Tim Cook in the San Francisco Bay area, and tickets for the event reportedly cost between $2,700 and $50,000. Jackson currently serves as Apple’s environmental director, and is also on the board of the Clinton Foundation.
Jackson took the Apple job after leaving the EPA amid a scandal involving her use of a secret email account.
For years, Jackson used an email account under the alias “Richard Windsor” in what critics called an effort to sidestep transparency laws. Jackson’s emails were on a government server, but the former administrator used her alias account to conduct official business and communicate with environmental activists.
Jackson’s secret email was uncovered by Chris Horner, a senior fellow at the free market Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), who sued EPA for Jackson’s “secondary” email account. EPA dragged its feet on the request, but the courts forced the agency to release thousands of “Richard Windsor” emails.
Those emails revealed Jackson used her alias account to communicate with environmental activists, and she even used it to communicate with White House officials — it wasn’t just for internal agency use like she claimed.