Call off the doomsday bunkers and carbon taxes! The “climate” scare is officially over. The time for hysteria over alleged man-made global warming and CO2 has passed. The theory is toast — it is totally and completely debunked. At least it will be, once a soon-to-be-released “Weapon of Mass Instruction” exposing the climate fraudsters and their fraud is dropped on the world.
In early December, various prestigious scientists and a wide range of experts in various disciplines converged here, in Phoenix, Arizona, to forever demolish the catastrophic anthropogenic global warming (CAGW) alarmism and the deadly policies the alarmism underpins. After seeing the evidence, it will be impossible for the intellectually honest to go on believing the CAGW fantasy — or “cult,” as some top scientists have referred to the alarmist movement.
The hard-hitting conference was organized by longtime liberty movement leader G. Edward Griffin and his pro-liberty organization, Freedom Force International. Under the banner of “Global Warming: an Inconvenient Lie,” Freedom Force’s 3rd Congress ran from December 2 to December 4 at The Buttes resort in Phoenix, Arizona. Attendees and speakers came from across America, Canada, and Europe to learn and participate in what organizers described as a “gathering of the world’s top experts on this subject who completely demolished the myth of anthropogenic (man-caused) global-warming.”
The keynote speaker for the event was Lord Christopher Mockton, the internationally known climate realist and former science adviser to U.K. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. He began by going up on stage and putting a red “Make America Great Again” hat on his head. The crowd cheered. He also highlighted Brexit, the historic decision by British voters to throw off the chains of the European Union super-state by exiting the EU completely.
Lord Monckton’s presentation began by outlining a series of “red flags” in the man-made global-warming theory and the alarmism surrounding it. Using a wide variety of graphs and charts focusing on everything from temperatures and trends to storms and global sea levels, Monckton showed that the United Nations was wrong about practically everything. In light of that, and more, he proposed that Britain and the United States should jointly leave the UN. Mockton, of course, has been a staple at UN “climate” summits around the world, showing up to expose the fraud, and even dropping into one of the UN confabs in South Africa with a parachute from the sky.
Much of Monckton’s presentation revolved around new findings further debunking the climate scare. Mockton, the author of a number of published papers on the subject, said his new findings would be published in the not-too-distant future. Using graphs, complicated mathematical formulas, and more, Monckton showed attendees how, even if certain UN climate premises are accepted as true, the alarmist narrative collapses upon closer inspection.
While the science of those particular findings likely went over most people’s head, Monckton also spent time showing simpler evidence, too. For example, in its 1995 pre-final draft on climate change, the UN admitted repeatedly that there was no solid evidence of human impacts on the climate. But in the final draft, used to justify the alarmism ever since, that fact was removed. With the UN instead claiming that there was evidence of human impacts on climate. Monckton also joined several other speakers in totally debunking the discredited and completely fraudulent claim that “97 percent of climate scientists agree” with the warmist theory.
Multiple scientists who spoke to the attendees echoed those concerns. The first official speaker at the event, for example, Princeton Physics Professor William Happer, began his presentation by demolishing the pseudo-science underpinning climate hysteria. Dr. Happer, a co-author of one of the early books on global warming, and a former director of energy research at the U.S. Department of Energy, started off by debunking a key point in the warming scare: The myth, constantly parroted by politicians, bureaucrats, and gullible people, that CO2 is “pollution.”
“We’ve heard that CO2 is a demon molecule that causes global warming,” he explained, noting that the earth was getting greener and crop yields were increasing in response to more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. “We should tell the truth: CO2 will benefit the Earth.” He also showed that, in the Earth’s past, CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere were far, far higher than they are today. “It is measured in thousands of parts per million rather than hundreds, as we have today,” he said, adding that humans exhale about two pounds of CO2 each day just by breathing.
Dr. Happer explained that plants were actually “designed” to live in a more CO2-rich environment than currently exists. In fact, virtually all plants benefit from more CO2, which is why farmers pump it into their greenhouses. An early experiment on the subject was conducted in Arizona, showing that plants grow much, much faster and better when CO2 concentrations are doubled, tripled, or even quadrupled. ” The EPA is just completely bonkers,” the professor exclaimed, pointing to the agency’s bizarre and harmful war on the gas of life.