Among the most fascinating aspects of the “climate change” discussion is that anyone actually believes the government and government-funded think tanks, academia, media, and “scientists” living off government grants.
This brings to mind more than a few questions. These are the same people who have told us: [emphasis, links added]
- Covid was an Extinction Level Event, rather than a bad cold for those not already very old, sick, and obese that it turned out to be.
- The Covid vaccine will prevent transmission and infection, two things for which it never was tested.
- The banking system is sound, as billion-dollar banks collapse around us.
- The border is secure, as tens of thousands wander across it monthly.
- Ukraine’s war against Russia is critical to America’s national security.
Now they tell us we must transition to “renewable” energy. Why does anyone believe these people?
Under the Paris Accord, trillions have been spent and trillions are programmed to be spent to achieve a reduction in the increase of global temperatures of between 0.013 degrees C and 0.017 degrees C by 2100.
Trillions of dollars per thousandth of a degree. That’s according to their own calculations.
A government that can’t accurately measure inflation or unemployment or know whether masses of radioactive material are in the middle of a desert can [somehow] predict the weather 80 years from now to within a thousandth of a degree.
And formulate policy today on these “measurements” that will impoverish billions around the globe?
We are told we must spend tax dollars earned by “non-essential” American workers to fund “essential” government workers giving away trillions of our dollars to Third World countries to prevent their modernizing. I mean, to help them fight global warming (by not modernizing).
We are told we must starve the tens of millions of people dependent on food exports from the second-largest food exporter on the planet, the Netherlands, that we must confiscate their farmland and prohibit them from farming elsewhere in order to reduce “greenhouse gases.”
We are told we must spend yet more trillions domestically to reduce our energy supplies, terminate our domestic transportation systems, destroy our livestock industries, and turn off our computers, air conditioners, and electrical appliances…. i.e., to de-modernize. Or, what?
Suppose we spend this money, sacrifice our stoves, our steaks, our clothes dryers, our furnaces, our driving vacations, and hot water heaters, and we reduce the rise by 0.013 degrees C by 2100.
Will they then tell us that the crisis is over? Somehow I doubt it.
Read more at The Pipeline
Biden’s acts of Treason against America is more reasons for him Impeachment Biden is a Globalists and a Democrat/Traitor
There are not many explanations that can explain Biden’s policies. One is stupidity. He and his advisors just are not aware of the real numbers. Even if the climate change fraud were actually real, there are many studies citing how the actions of the climate change movement cause much more harm than they would prevent. The other possible explanations is Biden’s actions are motivated by desire to harm our economy and cause harm to the middle class as well as support the multiple liberal agenda’s hitchhiking on the climate change movement.