So much is happening to show that the Alarmists are losing the arguments. Here are a few recent events.
Japan, China, and South Korea violate Paris agreement by funding coal in Indonesia
Paul Homewood points out that Japan, China, and South Korea are bankrolling “environmentally destructive” coal-fired power plants in Indonesia despite their pledges to reduce climate-changing emissions under the Paris climate deal.
The next generation will have to pay a $535 trillion bill to tackle climate change, relying on unproven and speculative technology.
LONDON, 19 July 2017 – One of the world’s most famous climate scientists has just calculated the financial burden that tomorrow’s young citizens will face to keep the globe at a habitable temperature and contain global warming and climate change – a $535 trillion bill.
And much of that will go on expensive technologies engineered to suck 1,000 billion metric tons of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide from the air by the year 2100.Of course, if humans started to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 6% a year right now, the end of the century challenge would be to take 150 billion tonnes from the atmosphere, and most of this could be achieved simply by better forest and agricultural management, according to a new study in the journal Earth System Dynamics.
The NEXT generation has been exposed to propaganda and lies throughout their schooling and, in the long run, according to this paper from the alarmists, will have to pay a $535 trillion bill to tackle the fraud of man-made global warming.
Read more at Australian Climate Sceptics blog
If they can bill for fraud, then our children WILL pay an incredible sum.
It’s like buying a trillion dollar advance service contract for a thousand dollar car. If our children are so gullible as to buy such a plan there is no doubt they are in trouble.
Worlds young won’t be facing any $bill for climate change . Well maybe a bit more for reducing foliage from the greening earth
as we pleasantly enjoy the benefits of a moderate warming climate .
The scary global warming industry moves from scare tactic to scare tactic in lock step like someone rolling out this months refreshed marketing plan . This increasing hype is a pattern followed by companies about to go under .
When name calling , bullying , ignoring , out right lying don’t
work why not appeal to the conservative affinity for numbers .
It’s over . They are out of ammo and the Wizard of Oz is looking really old .
Our children will be responsible for paying the bill to keep the temperature of the earth stable? $535 Trillion Dollars to satisfy demands of a religion based on a huge lie ???? What a load of crap!! There’s enough fraud in this Al Gore led fiasco too send people to prison for a thousand years. And you snowflakes were worrying about repaying your college tuition loans, HA!!!!
Modern enviromentalists are stuck on this Global Warming/Climate change poppycock Is f i were not Pesticdes,Rainforests and whales its now polarbears and ice caps i can still remember all this popppycock about a earth so poluted we would have to build giant domes over all our major cities(John Travolta beleive this poppycock) and we would need to wear gas masks to go outside the domes and none of Paul Ehrliches prodictions ever happned and we still have the ice caps despte what Hot Air Al(Gore)has said and DiCaprio is a fruad just some hollywood has been who makes fake documenties(Along with Gore)flies all over the globe in his private jet and barrows a yacht from a middle east oil tycoon
There is a certain type of personality that always has to be protesting something. If it wasn’t for Pesticides, Rainforests, whales, polar bears and climate change, it would be something else. It is my speculation that such people do not feel that they have done something important. So, to boost their own ego, they support these types of causes.