The Vatican has called for the “decarbonization of the current fossil fuel-based economy” in its hard-hitting final declaration for the U.N. climate summit in Katowice, Poland, Wednesday.
Climate change, the declaration states, “is a global problem with grave implications: environmental, social, economic, political and for the distribution of goods.”
The Vatican praised global leaders who “struggled to find the will to set aside their short-term economic and political interests and work for the common good,” finding consensus in a rulebook for the implementation of the Paris Agreement adopted in 2015.
The summit and its agreements are an example of “multilateral dialogue,” which is critical for combatting climate change, the Vatican stated.
Unfortunately, it continued, the rulebook does not adequately reflect the “urgency necessary to tackle climate change,” which represents “one of the principal challenges facing humanity in our day.”
Advancing “the dignity of the human person, alleviating poverty by the promotion of integral human development, and easing the impact of climate change through responsible mitigation and adaptation measures go hand in hand,” it said.
The Vatican also called for a reasonable “transition period,” presumably reflecting the time necessary to move from fossil fuels to alternative forms of energy.
Using the language of vocation, the Vatican text says that we are “called” to limit the average global temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.
It also urged “much greater ambition” in anti-CO2 programs in order to achieve “the decarbonization of the current fossil fuel-based economy,” which will demand “lifestyle changes.”
When U.S. presidential adviser Wells Griffith spoke on the benefits of clean-burning fossil fuels in a panel discussion on the side of the Katowice summit, he was repeatedly interrupted by hecklers.
“We strongly believe that no country should have to sacrifice economic prosperity or energy security in pursuit of environmental sustainability,” Griffith said.
The panel underscored the importance of cheap fossil fuels as a means for developing nations to emerge from poverty.
Read more at Breitbart
The pope is in clear violation of the Ten Commandments THOU SHALL HAVE NO OTHER GOD BEFORE ME because he is now a worshiper of GAIA and other false gods
You are correct, good point.
I think that the temple needs a good cleansing.
Some additional reading:
Papal Eco-Hysteria – A Red-Green Pope?
A Tale of Two Popes (consider that both popes are considered infallible according to church doctrine; and yet, their opinions on free markets were diametrically opposed).
The Vatican should set an example and immediately switch from that giant airplane to a horse-drawn carriage.
Perhaps the Pope should seriously consider a ban on the use of candles. His ‘alarmist’ mind probably believes that they contribute to global warming.
Decarbonization WILL result in: “a global problem with grave implications: environmental, social, economic, political and for the distribution of goods.”
Decarbonization is impossible.
The greens are talking crap.
I must repeat that there is no feasible way to store enough energy for our power grids when the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow. There are only two way to implement “decarbonization of the current fossil fuel-based economy.” One is with nuclear power, which the climate activists have ruled out. The other is to make long power outages a daily event. It is appalling that those who are so ignorant of what can be done are telling the rest of us what must be done.
When the Pope, Al Gore (collected of the “indulgences” (carbon fee) and all the rest start walking their talk and stop using all carbon-based fuels and technology, then would be the time to start worrying.
What about the pederast priests and butt-stabbing bishops, francis?
Shoemaker, stick to your last.
Speak for yourself Vatican stop traveling just do like Christ did and walk
Always keep in mind that the Pope is the figurehead of the greatest scam ever imposed on the population: religion in any shape or form. Get real, get the facts, make the right decisions.
When I shop for a vehicle, I wonder what the Pope would buy?
I buy a mega – buck pick – up truck, 4WD, and confess my sins.
I’m at a stop light, looking at the guy next to me in a big SUV. He’s looking at me. I think, what would the owner of two Pope mobiles do? I mash the throttle , anyways.
I pull up to the pumps, what would the leader of the oldest, biggest pedophile ring ever put in his tank? I punch ethanol free 94, and hope no one turns me in.
If my selfish carbon heavy behaviour lands me in Hell, I’m sure there’ll be a Hypocrite Hall of Shame to visit.
Can the Pope be impeached, or convinced to step down? That damned Jesuit is getting involved in everything except the Vatican. He is consistently wrong on so many issues regarding politics and he needs to butt-out.