The newest form of virtue signaling for the left involves cutting more than just carbon emissions. Now men are getting their nether regions snipped to save the planet – let’s see if this craze catches on!
On Thursday, 38-year-old lifestyle columnist Wes Siler wrote on Outside Magazine‘s website seemingly bragging about getting a vasectomy to stop global warming – “Getting one was, by far, the most powerful personal action I could take for our planet.”
What a hero!
Captain Planet explained he’s “always struggled to combine the idea of personal responsibility with the overwhelming need for human society to address the threat posed by climate change,” hence going under the knife.
“With a sudden focus on responsible decision-making, it no longer made sense to leave hypothetical future offspring up to chance,” he said.
After getting engaged, Siler saw wildfires in California and floods in the Mississippi River basin and worried this “might be the new normal” and that “the future might be worse than any of us currently fear.”
That, and, “of course, the whole Donald Trump thing” made him question if “This a world we want to bring kids into? Is this a world it’s responsible to bring kids into?” That’s Ranger Rick not-so-silently judging all of you with kids right now.
Wanting to “make a meaningful impact” on global warming, Siler and his fiancée agreed not to have kids.
He thought about giving up his 15 mpg pickup truck, but calculated “it’s nowhere near the carbon emissions I’ll save by skipping becoming a daddy.”
He further claimed, “Any other action we could take, even all the actions we could ever possibly add up together, pale in comparison” to remaining childless because “two people deciding to make fewer humans eliminates the entire cycle of consumption that would fuel that kid’s life.”
That’s not the only thing it eliminates. How about joy? Meaning in life? Or even the future scientist who actually saves the planet instead of the next sackless bro bragging about neutering himself thinking it gives him a free pass to still drive around in a low mileage pickup?
Buying into the liberal fallacy that “there are simply too many humans on this planet,” Siles lectures that “it’s the human conflict created by dwindling resources needed to sustain the population that stands to really change life on this planet.”
He even tries to back this up by literally saying the cliché, “We’re already fighting wars for oil.” Good thing the U.S. is becoming energy independent with shale, huh?
Because of all this, he finally made an appointment to get a vasectomy. “I was afraid of getting my scrotum operated on, but the procedure ended up being quicker and less invasive than most dental appointments,” Siler said candidly as if selling the procedure.
But he did admit, “Once the anesthetic wore off, it felt like someone had kicked me in the balls pretty good, a feeling that dissipated over the next seven days.” At least he got to feel good about getting a carbon footprint right to the crotch.
Calling forgoing children “the absolute biggest difference we can make,” he concluded, “We need fewer humans, and getting there voluntarily will be an awful lot less painful than doing it with war, famine, and natural disaster.” So your choices are sterilization or violent death, according to climate alarmists like him.
I’d end by quoting my favorite bumper sticker, “Save the planet, kill yourself,” but these lemmings might actually do it.
Read more at NewsBusters
As I always say, the climate hysterians are a Malthusian death cult. QED.
Like those choosing not to have kids over this Global Warming/Climate Change nonsense or wanting to make us all go vegan Just shows how stupid some people can get
I agree with the above comments. Vasectomy of their kind is the best and probably only good idea that has come from the climate change movement. In general kids tend to be like their parents. If those stupid enough to buy into the climate change dogma don’t have kids, that means there would be fewer such idiots in the next generation. My yet to be born grandchildren would have fewer of them to contend with for what ever new fraud is invented in the future. This idea should be aggressively promoted. Perhaps universities could have contests to see who has the highest percentage of graduates with vasectomies. Fraternity could do the same and have parties with sororities to celebrate the men’s brave actions. Universities could also give men with vasectomies a discount. All of this would make my grandchildren’s lives easier.
So, having one child would have a greater impact on carbon dioxide emissions than keeping his 15 mph pickup. That is right. But haven’t these idiots even considered that to allow one person to immigrate into this country would also have a greater impact. Don’t forget that most immigrants come from countries with low emission per person and once here emissions for that person increase substantially. Despite this liberals support large scale immigration.
Wes Siler just another Nit-Wit proving to the rest of us their out of t heir mind with this Global Warming,Climate Change nonsense proof that Modern Enviromentalisms a form of insanity caused by a strict vegan diet and watching Al Gores or Leonardo DiCaprio’s mindless drivel over and over until your Brain melts
He’s not quite a Darwin Award candidate but this idiot is the next best thing–no profession from him! Nice that he can “virtue signal” but can keep his gas guzzler. What a guy!
Gator is exactly right. Encourage them whenever possible that this is the best way to fight Climate Change and every other imagined calamity.
Please, whatever happens, we must never discourage this behavior amongst leftists. Mental illness is often hereditary, think of all the batsh!t crazy democrats we could avoid in the future if this catches on.
Think of our children!
Just another loose nut underfoot falling from the nut tree and rolling downhill beware where oyur stepping or else you’ll step on this rolling nut and fall down
The above bozo has the potential to go out and cause huge environmental havoc as he now does not have to worry about having unwanted spawn. His “contribution” is negligible as he is not passing on anything to the next generation.