Every year the UN runs a poll which surveys people’s greatest concerns across the world.
It’s significant because the responses run into the millions and canvas the views of people from all countries, rich and poor.
So guess where ‘climate change’ comes on the global population’s list of priorities.
Yes, that’s right. It comes right at the bottom.
“Action on climate change”, in other words, is the decadent preoccupation of spoilt Westerners who have nothing serious to worry about because they have all the basics ‚Äì education, healthcare, jobs, political freedoms, phone and internet access ‚Äì more or less covered. The poll gives the lie to all those people ‚Äì usual of a left-liberal persuasion ‚Äì who insist that more needs to be done, more scarce resources diverted, to ‘combat’ climate change.
If the money currently squandered by our governments on this non-problem ‚Äì $1.5 trillion a year ‚Äì reflected people’s actual concerns (as governments are supposed to do), then the funding would dry up and a lot of worthless troughers would suddenly find themselves going very hungry.