Arctic sea ice volume is highest in the last eleven years and fifth highest in the last fifteen years.
The thirty-day melt rate is the second lowest on record, down 50% from ten years ago.
It would take more than one year of continuous summer to melt all the ice at the current rate.
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Tough times for the official religion of the Democrats and their prophets.
The Argus-Press – Google News Archive Search
Gore: Polar ice cap may disappear by summer 2014
Read more at Real Climate Science
The article is wrong. The increasing ice volume is not “Tough Times For Democratic Party Prophets.” That is because they simply ignore anything that doesn’t support their agenda, and the main stream media lets them get away with it. When it turned out that the carbon dioxide vs temperature data that Al Gore presented showed the temperature changes where leading the CO2 changes, they ignored it. They ignore the fact that polar bears thriving. They make up for the lack of data supporting their cause by creating events in their favor. For instance, yesterday the Seattle Times had a head line saying that this May was the hottest ever. Most people just read the head lines and would conclude that referred to the entire nation. However, reading the article that record was just for Seattle. They then cherry picked various events to make it appear that there was a pattern of warming.
The alarmists have agendas dependant on the climate change movement such as creating more taxes, expanding the power of government, de-industrialization, and transferring the wealth of the developed to the developing nations. There is no way they are going to let the lack of data supporting the cause inhibit their efforts.
Yeah Ice Free Arctic what a load of malarkey Al Bore is a False Prophet making his own profits from the usial suckers who have read his fake books Earth in the Balance and Assault on Reason and watched his fake movies and recite his dumb poem and many Eco-Wacko groups are full of suckers