It has been 35 years since the start of global warming was declared by climate educator James Hansen and carried on the front page of the New York Times under the headline, “Global Warming Has Begun, Expert Tells Senate.”
Many doomsday calls have followed, but the worst of the warnings has not been seen, according to critics and supporters. [emphasis, links added]
This year, as the anniversary neared, the media stepped up their role in the climate change campaign, blaming warming for the Canadian wildfires and smoke that settled over big U.S. cities, a honey bee die-off, and even a decline in wine production.
But several groups that question the claims are pushing back and just released to Secrets their list of the latest media lies on the issue.
The June report from the Competitive Enterprise Institute, the Heartland Institute, Energy and Environment Legal Institute, Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, the International Climate Science Coalition, and Truth in Energy and Climate fact-checked 10 of the most headline-grabbing warnings.
Among them:
- The smoky Canadian fires were caused by climate change. The report challenged that. “This is false. Data and history show that wildfires in Canada have not increased in number or severity, and that, driven by prevailing winds, smoke from Canada’s annual wildfire season has darkened U.S. skies multiple times in the past.”
- Florida strawberries are threatened by climate change. Said the report, the Department of Agriculture said, “Florida’s strawberry harvests increased by nearly 50 percent between 2001 and 2019, from approximately 135 million pounds per year to 195 million pounds per year. The strawberry news is even better nationally.”
- Climate change is causing a honey bee die-off by raising temperatures too early, even in January, during which the Associated Press said Washington, D.C., hit 80 degrees. According to the monthly report, “First, honeybee colony survival depends on a number of things, especially beekeeper hygiene. Next, Washington, D.C., has never had an 80°F day in January, per the National Weather Service. While Washington D.C., has had January days in the ’70s, they date as far back as 1907.”
Read more at Washington Examiner
The NYT’s has been a leftists Propaganda rag since 1932 when they started covering up for Stalin and Later Hitler Castro and the Viet Cong this leftists rag has just about always false news
Leave it to CCD to tell us that it’s not too hot and human activity does not affect the climate. Fools! Just look out your window. Hot enough for ya? No this is not normal. Yes human activity has a big affect on our climate. I’ll stick with the 99.9% of climate scientists who see human activity as a big part of the cause of our weather disasters. You idiots can go ahead and shrill for the .1% of corporate sponsored hacks who deny the obvious.
Then tell us how it was hotter on earth during the Medieval warming period with ZERO fossil fuels? Tell us how the earth warmed, again with ZERO fossil fuels, and as a result the glaciers melted? You can’t, and these so called experts won’t even acknowledge these 2 facts because the refute every argument they are making right now to go to an all renewable grid, which they also know is impossible.
If it is science it is not consensus;if it is consensus, it is not scientce
You call it global warming. This is the most comfortable summer I’ve experienced in my 68 years. I’m not looking out my window, I’m on my porch, not 3 feet from a thermometer. This could my best year for crop yields. Guess it’s not a global issue, unless you consider it a political movement (it is).
Stick around Larry. Get back to us with facts, figures, graphs etc that back up your position.
Just don’t expect any of us to dissect the IPCC computer climate model program. I never worked with Fortran.
I’d like to know where you get your 99.9% from Larry? Even the ‘97% of scientists’ sometimes quoted is a dodgy statistical exercise not grounded in reality. Not that it counts anyway.
Please go any look at the data and discern the trends for yourself. You may just learn something.