On her 9:00 a.m. ET hour show on Thursday, MSNBC anchor Stephanie Ruhle welcomed the editor-in-chief of TIME magazine on the program to promote the liberal publication’s latest issue devoted solely to preaching climate change activism.
Amid all the fearmongering in the segment, Ruhle and her guest declared that “there is no other side” in the debate over the topic.
“TIME magazine’s brand new issue is solely dedicated to climate change and only the fifth issue where every single page is dedicated to a single topic,” Ruhle gushed as she brought on editor and CEO Edward Felsenthal.
She teed him up to argue why the entire issue needed to focus on the left-wing environmental agenda.
Felsenthal made some dire declarations:
This issue, as you said, only the fifth time in our 96 years that we have devoted front to back, every page to a single topic. And that’s really because of the urgency of the problem….Al Gore and others in the issue point out we’ve made progress. But the pace of climate change is outpacing that progress. And the problem becomes even more urgent and even harder to solve the longer we wait….As Gore says in the issue, mother nature is deciding to join the conversation…
While clearly supportive of the cause, Ruhle observed that the magazine didn’t feature any climate change “skeptics,” adding: “And there are still a lot of skeptics, possibly our president is one.”
SEE ALSO: Gore, Mann, McKibben Star In TIME Mag’s Climate Derangement Issue
Felsenthal dismissed that consideration:
“You know, we can and should debate what is the best route to mitigate climate change and global warming. The science, the fact that it’s happening, is settled. There is no other side to the science.”
Ruhle followed up: “Okay, so to you, there is no debate whether or not this exists. It exists, so there’s no reason to give voice to the other?”
Felsenthal doubled down: “It’s right in front of us, the phenomenon. We can debate the methods, we can debate the policies….but the fact that it’s happening is – is settled.”
Ruhle lamented: “It’s stunning that there are still people who are skeptical.”
She then proceeded to read a wildly outrageous claim from former Vice President Gore featured in the publication:
I want to share what Al Gore writes about the size of the problem, where he says, “Humanity is now spewing more than 110 million tons of global warming pollution every day into the atmosphere,” adding that it is “equal to what would be released by 500,000 Hiroshima-class atomic bombs exploding on Earth every single day.”
Rather than fact-check the clearly unhinged statement, Ruhle simply accepted it as true: “That being the case, how is it that this isn’t being treated as more of an emergency?”
For his part, Felsenthal complained about humans being “procrastinators” when it came to taking action on the subject and hoped that future natural disasters were “ultimately going to get people to change.”
Ruhle, of course, concluded the interview by urging viewers to tune in to MSNBC’s upcoming “Climate Forum 2020, a two-day forum featuring 2020 presidential candidates, including senators Bernie Sanders, Cory Booker, Mayor Pete Buttigieg and more. In conversation with young voters on climate change.”
Clearly, there will be “no other side” represented in that friendly campaign event for Democrats either.
Read more and transcript at NewsBusters
As in the case of all scientific research, the several groups and individuals who are working in this field have criticized one another’s experiments and interpretations. This normal scientific interchange has been unduly accentuated by the glare of publicity which has caused some of those concerned to be more dogmatic than is justifiable in view of the present incomplete information. In the view of the public the meteorological world has been divided into believers and nonbelievers. This is an unfortunate and ridiculous concept. The fact is simply that the information at hand is not sufficient to permit an unequivocal conclusion regarding the possibilities of the artificial control of precipitation.
“An Appraisal of Cloud Seeding as a Means of Increasing Precipitation”. Henry G. Houghton, Head of the Department of Meteorology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. From “The Smithsonian Report For 1951”, reprinted in “Smithsonian Treasury of 20th-Century Science”, 1966.
How smart is it to attack CO2 as a pollutant when “We don’t understand the (Earth’s) modern oxygen control system that well.”???
How smart is it to attack CO2 as a pollutant when it is only source of free atmospheric oxygen???
Maybe they picked CO2 because it is so small and defenseless………. or they considered the majority of people are stupid or…
Carbon dioxide consists of a carbon atom covalently double bonded to two oxygen atoms. It occurs naturally in Earth’s atmosphere as a trace gas.
a colorless, odorless gas produced by burning carbon and organic compounds and by respiration. It is naturally present in air (about 0.03 percent) and is absorbed by plants in photosynthesis.
Over time, decaying leaves release carbon back into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide. In fact, the natural decay of organic carbon contributes more than 90 percent of the yearly carbon dioxide released into Earth’s atmosphere and oceans.
The only source of free atmospheric oxygen (what we breath) is photosynthesis. Trees and land plants together are contributing to a quarter or less of the earth’s oxygen. Phytoplankton, cyanobacteria, algae and kelp in the oceans produce three quarters of earth’s oxygen or more, about 75% up to maybe even 95%.
Many are fixated on carbon dioxide (CO2), a minor constituent of the atmosphere, but one absolutely necessary for life as we know it. (In the process of photosynthesis, terrestrial plants, and phytoplankton, kelp, and algal plankton in the oceans use sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to produce carbohydrates and oxygen.)
Most important, how did the amount of atmospheric oxygen reach its present level? “It’s not that easy why it should balance at 21 percent rather than 10 or 40 percent,” notes geoscientist James Kasting of Pennsylvania State University. “We don’t understand the modern oxygen control system that well.”
Time has always been a socialists rag back in 1938 they named Hitler as their Man of the Year and they real ruined our Breakfast with their front cover of the Ice Man and they ever had front cover story pushing going Vegan but worst they try to get kids addicted to their liberal rag with a kids issue Time for Kids Time is a scam Magazine
My parents did not renew their subscription to Time in the early 1970’s when the magazine advocated gun control. Time is still operating with the reliability of a tabloid.
Liberals seem to think that if they declare something, that declaration makes it true. Declaring science (even though there never was any science) to be settled is one example. The same concept on a different subject, the San Francisco City council by a unanimous vote declared the National Rifle Association to be a domestic terrorist organization.
The side that declares there is no other side to consider is the one that is wrong. Consider Galliano vs the theory that the earth is the center of the universe. If you remember, it was heresy to support the theory that the planets circled around the sun.
Like hundreds of other news agencies, Time is trying to get from their point of view what would be favorable results from the September 23 UN climate conference. Nations are supposed to come with commitments beyond their current ones under the Paris Treaty. Considering the economic harm that has happened so far trying reduce emissions and the lack of success, there will be few if any new commitments.
An Ivy League lawyer. Seems eminently qualified to pontificate on science.
It’s settled. Great!
Can we see your “settled” science?
But what physical principles apply?
Maybe you can show us your mathematical models?
How about some details of your experiments or observations justifying your climate crisis claims?
Ok. Would “the phenomenon” have some scientific bases you would care to reveal?
Call me a procrastinator but you still have not presented any scientific bases for all your environmental fearmongering. What else have you got?
Russell Johnson … no one is ever held to account etc .
Couldn’t agree more . Patrick Moore (Former Greenpeace ) describes this sad reality where they purposely pick things to create fear that are not easily checked .
They claim things that are complete nonsense based on models that they have created to produce the result they desire .
To keep the tax payer money flowing they have to continue to generate fear because they actually don’t produce anything .
It is often overlooked that the much hyped IPCC mandate was to narrowly focused on human effects on climate , primarily CO2 , yet the main drivers of climate , natural climate variables , are ignored despite their massively overwhelming influence .
Now we are hearing dribbles of truth as NASA / NOAA whisper for no one to hear that in fact they can’t actually model clouds with any degree of precision
making climate projects worse than educated guesses . Let alone the effects of sun spot activity , ocean currents and volcanoes for example .
When one looks at the early success of Greenpeace , of which I was a little foot soldier at college , Greenpeace put a face to things like whaling ships
and that is what is missing in the most unscientific con -job in history .
That is why a faceless remote bureaucracy like the UN IPCC has gotten away with years of dishonest climate fear spin . Their motivations are political and monetary with rent seeking buzzards picking their loosely framed facts
to justify a $trillion dollar criminal organization designed to rob tax payers .
It wasn’t until Climategate e mails revealed the little clique of modelers trying to protect their turf that names were put to the tricksters and things started to unravel .
We need the names and faces of every UN IPCC “scientist ” and the organization structure to put a spot light on the climate hoax actors .
Dr Tim Ball – Historical Climatologist
Book ‘The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science’.
Book “Human Caused Global Wa rming”, ‘The Biggest Deception in History’.
BREAKING – Dr. Tim Ball wins @MichaelEMann lawsuit – Mann has to pay
Don’ this liberal rag should be sued for its fake news and lying to their readerst forget how this same liberal rag made mockery of the Iwo Jima memorial showing them with tree instead of Old Glory this liberal rag should be sued for Fake News and Lying to their readers
The historical evidence of the validity of a statement is that when TIME has a cover page on a subject the the OPPOSITE is true.
The 70’s Ice Age cometh…
When oil was at $150 /bl .. going to $400/bl or more……
When gold was at $2000/oz … going to $5000/ oz……
Any CEO [or other celeb] that made the cover of Time was at the end of his/her career..
The dot-com bubble of the late ’90s…. no more bricks and mortar …
etcetera, etc., etc., …………………
When the stock market was at a low in 1982 they said “sell”; when it peaked in they said “buy”.
Corollary: “The validity of most any claim is INversely proportional to the amount of media hype.”
TIME has gone full bore hype on AGW ….
We are being conditioned by these mini interviews on CC that are venal propaganda events. No one is ever held accountable by the interviewer for their ultra liberal vomitus. We are in an era of liberal extremism where regardless the subject only liberalism is truth. It has become a cancer attacking our country and society at every turn.
Now we have
Edd – Vard Fail – Sen -Taal
There is nothing to think about anymore
that the debate is over and settled
Regardless that there never was a debate
There is no Greenhouse effect
There is no global warming
Climate does change but usually takes
thousands of years.
We don’t need to listen to the alarmist jerks
ignore them and
have a good nights sleep
Time magazine global cooling promoters in the 1970’s …wasn’t the science “settled ” then too ? What is going on is the promoters of the overblown scam
are starting to see the scientists turn on them by returning to the scientific method .
This scares the crap out of magazines like Time so they are doubling down while the can . The con game is on the last lap and they know it .
They actually no longer want to hear from scientists so they repeat that old Al Gore chestnut …. “the science is settled ” because the people they used to
add credibility to the fraud no longer want to be attached to the biggest
unscientific hoax in history . Actually hoax is to kind a word .
Unnecessary loss of life , ridiculous waste of $trillions and a brain washed generation lied to by adults .
Time magazine is a joke .
Climate change has been happening since the Earth was formed, without it we would not have evolved. Climate change is a natural process that’s impossible to change and to do so would be catastrophic for the World that we know and enjoy today.
Too many indoctrinated fools spouting rubbish and scaremongering for their own ends. Idiots of the first order!
Lemming whistle.
Some Climate Change fanatics wants Skeptics silenced or have their homes burned down
Only cultists make statements like “There is no other side” regarding science. Any theory is one repeatable experiment away from disproval.
“Skeptics” be damned. On this issue, it is up to those who REJECT global warming/climate change who must keep this horrid liberal agenda at bay and reverse the tide of idiotic action that seeks to ruin our lives. The urge to claim that there is only one side to this issue simply means that they know they cannot stand up to the challenge of defending the completely false claims and non-science that keep them running.
Why is it that America always seems to be behind any scaremongering of global warming, oceans rising ,Ice Age coming and Wars ? seems to be one common and denominator here .
Proving to the fact that back in the 1970’s this same liberal rag was going on about Global Cooling and New Ice Age Time is just more leftists propeganda and whats worst they have a issue for kids Time for Kids to Brainwash them into being servants for Big Brother and subcribe for their adult issue TIME LIES