The war in Ukraine is draining U.S. arms stockpiles while geopolitical risks grow. Yet the Biden Administration is worried about—you can’t make this up—the climate impact of U.S. weapons and wants to impose costly green mandates on federal contractors.
A little-noticed rulemaking proposed by the Department of Defense, NASA, and the General Services Administration last month would require federal contractors to disclose and reduce their CO2 emissions as well as climate financial risks. [emphasis, links added]
The rule would cover 5,766 contractors that have received at least $7.5 million from the feds in the prior year.
Smaller contractors would have to publicly report their so-called Scope 1 and 2 emissions—i.e., those they generate at their facilities and from the electricity and heating they use.
Firms with larger contracts would also have to tabulate their upstream and downstream Scope 3 emissions, including those from customers, suppliers, and products used in the field.
For example, weapons manufacturers would have to quantify and disclose the amount of CO2 generated from their facilities; manufacturers that produce steel, computer chips, and motors used in their weapons; propellants and fuel; and even munition storage areas. It’s unclear if CO2 emissions will influence procurement decisions.
Large contractors would also have to publish an annual climate disclosure and develop “science-based targets” to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in alignment with the goals of the 2015 Paris agreement.
That means contractors will have to aim to zero out emissions and possibly require their contractors to do so.
Will Lockheed Martin and Raytheon Technologies have to redesign weapons systems and aircraft to be powered by lithium-ion batteries?
China mines and processes the critical minerals used in batteries and other green technologies that will be required to meet these “science-based targets.”
The proposed rule would also apply to non-defense contractors, including pharmaceutical, shipping, and tech companies, though it curiously exempts universities, nonprofit research institutions, and state and local governments.
These exemptions are a concession that the rule imposes costly burdens.
But the very point of the rule is to force CO2 emissions reductions across the private economy by leveraging $650 billion in annual federal contracts.
By covering Scope 3 emissions, the rule would sweep in tens of thousands of non-federal contractors, including many small businesses.
“Public procurement can shift markets, drive innovation, and be a catalyst for adoption of new norms and global standards,” the rulemaking says.
The climate conditions on contractors “will give visibility to major annual sources of GHG emissions and climate risks throughout the Federal supply chain and could, in turn, provide insights into the entire U.S. economy.”
In other words, this is a back door for the Administration to force businesses across the economy to report and reduce their CO2 emissions.
It goes even further than the Securities and Exchange Commission’s proposed rule requiring publicly traded companies to report Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions.
The rulemaking claims that federal contractors will benefit from climate mandates by “increasing senior management attention and funding for investing in GHG reduction projects.”
Great. As the U.S. military faces strained budgets and growing threats, the climate will be a costly new priority in national defense. The People’s Liberation Army must be dumbfounded by its good luck.
Read more at WSJ
This is pure folly. Our nation is being run by idiots on steroids.
Cabon Dioxide is NOT a “climate change” force. It stopped being a significant contributor to planetary temperature at about 150 ppm. The law of diminishing returns.
The Greenhouse Theory is scientific rubbish the equivalent of the “Flat Earth” theory.
The evidence in nature is clear. Geologic evidence, ice core evidence, and contemporary records since the late 19th century clearly demonstrate there is no causative relationship between changing atmospheric CO2 and changing climate (a relationship the IPCC adamantly insists exists, contrary to the best evidence).
A relationship built on a faulty theory/hypothesis, is bound to be faulty.
Back in the 1990’s during that Save the Rainforest scam they wanted to use our nations military to guard the Rainforests in South America. Back during t he Persian/Gulf ar Sadan opened up the Kuat oilwells and messed up the Persian gulf and we didn’t hear a thing from the Eco-Freaks
Green Guns For Gaia?
Emissions-free bombs?
These findings were published at the same time as new reports showing the toll that toxic chemicals are taking on veterans in the United States. The government must also invest in the VA to help take care of these people as they suffer from the health problems caused by these chemicals. In other words, cleaning up the environment and investing in health for our veterans must be essential priorities.
As a 30+ year environmental professional, I am well aware of pollution challenges faced by the U.S government for past & current practices. They should not get a “hall pass” on environmental protection. I am just suggesting that the focus of our military must remain combat ready & capable, first & foremost, of WINNING wars.
“…WINNING wars.”
In WW2 the US had a “War Department”. After that war, a “Department of Defense”. Number of ‘wars’ won since then? Grenada for one. Any more?
So, when (if) we go into air ro air combat with the Chinese over Tiawan, I suppose American pilots are supposed to get their pronouns straight with the other combatants before engagement as well? Completely RIDICULOUS. Our military must be driven by LETHALITY, not ideology. I can assure you are enemies have no interest in anything other than results…