As many have experienced, springtime has been slow to arrive in the Northern Hemisphere this year.
The data on snow and ice confirm what people are seeing for themselves.
The image below (after the jump) shows how spring snow cover has been increasing lately on day 98 (April 7-8) 2008 to 2018.
At Rutgers snow lab, such images are digitized into statistics suitable for graphical analysis.
The graph below shows how March snow cover has varied over the decades of satellite observations
The first two decades averaged ~41.5M km2 snow cover in March. The next two decades averaged about 2M kn2 less, 39.5M. Since 2008, there was a rise to 2011, a drop to 2016, recovering the last two years.
As for ice extent, the 2018 picture in the Barents Sea is exceptional, holding onto ~800k km2 of ice extent, 26% above the 11-year average.
Elsewhere the Arctic ice core is unchanging, the only deficit mostly being in the Bering and, somewhat in Okhotsk, the other Pacific basin.
Read more at Science Matters
Update: our average high temp for this calendar day is 52 degrees. We’ve been averaging mid to high 30’s. Each week local weathermen predict, “Somewhat more seasonal temps with highs in the mid-40s” , and this has gone on for the last 40 days… Now we’re expecting up to 12 more inches of snow for a weekend that is supposed to host baseball and soccer events.. And yes, “Possibly some temps in the 40’s next week”…
Earth Day is coming up that time of the year when the Green Nuts are loose and rolling through the streets showing just how idiotic and rediculous they can get
So essentially every cornerstone assumption of the Climate Left’s argument is built of Jello.
Assumption#1 – Man-made global warming is killing the planet… Just look around, it’s actually been getting much COOLER lately as real people encounter real weather.
Assumption #2 – (So, that whole global WARMING thing isn’t working out too well…) We’ve got it!… CLIMATE CHANGE!!!… yeah, that’s the ticket! When it goes UP it’s because of humans AND when it goes DOWN it’s caused by humans too! (perfect!)
Assumption #3 – Climates should be expected to remain static, and any change is most likely attributable to humans (the evil capitalist kind).
…Except that even the simplest examination of natural history reveals that the earth’s climate is ALWAYS changing – and often dramatically. Giant glaciers once covered much of North America, including what is now the northern tier United States a mere 12,000 years ago – long before Detroit was producing Model T’s.
Toss in the fact that all the proposed solutions for what is supposed to be a “scientific” crisis invariably involve POLITICAL (leftist) reforms with the redistribution of trillions of dollars including biased grant funding and confiscated earnings, and the whole thing just stinks out loud.
Thanks to the Model T. Caused the Dirty Thirties heatwave, didn’t it?!?!? Lol
You can tell when winter is almost over . Al Gore pitch’s his spring campaign . This year it’s the oh so scary Scott Pruitt . After all saving a $billion dollars , trimming regulatory overreach , and helping the USA economy compete is very worrysome after all .
Unlike the eco- anarchists and flim flam global warming salesman
Scott Pruitt makes a positive difference in the USA . Yes it’s very upsetting to the swamp .
Global warming believers are suckers. I wonder if Google and Facebook recognize this vulnerability and target believers with ads for products or services that don’t deliver results. Easy pickin’s.
I just wonder how long these anti fracking,anti drilling keep it in the ground jerks would last if they gave up everything made using fossil fuels. They would be sitting naked in a grass or mud hut freezing their toes off or sweltering