On this date in 1911, it was 93 degrees in Oklahoma and Texas, 86 degrees in Kansas, 84 degrees in Missouri, 75 degrees in Illinois and 71 degrees in Indiana.
If we had temperatures like that now, government scientists would be 100% certain it was due to CO2 and would demand immediate world communism.
02 Feb 1911, Page 1 – Fort Scott Daily Tribune and Fort Scott Daily Monitor at Newspapers.com
Read more at Real Climate Science
Climate alarmists take every unusual event and treat it as if it was happening for the first and therefore we need to make big sacrifices to reduce emissions. The Heatwave Of February 1, 1911 is one example of past events. Others include the extreme heat of the 1930’s.
Back in 2014 the lying liberals and eco-freaks were calling 2014 the hottest year(Lie)the liberals said that Hurricane Sandy was becuase of Global Warming(Lie)and that was the year all those useful idiots lead by Al Bore,Leonardo DiCaprio and Robert Kennedy Jr marched through the streets of New York carrying dumb or sill signs and banners with stupid slogans on them or silly sunflower logos and i’ll bet they did’nt walk there and Kennnedy was ranting on about sending so called Climate Crinimals to jail and even tried to grab some conservative reporters micaphone who dared to question his own hyporicy