Jamie Margolin [pictured], a high school senior who co-founded This Is Zero Hour and sued her home state of Washington for causing climate change, said at a hearing of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs on Wednesday that she and other teens are told to plan for the future but wonder why when “the world is ending.”
“It’s just really hard to grow up in a world of ‘ifs,’” said Margolin, who told the committee that, like some of the other young witnesses, she suffers from “anxiety issues.”
“I don’t think a lot of people in Congress understand the conversations that are happening every day in American high schools,” Margolin said.
Margolin said she and her peers suffer from “constant looming uncertainty” because of climate change.
“Kids are joking, like, what is even, like, the point … the world is ending,” Margolin said. “What are we studying for? What are we doing?”
“Right now it’s like some members of government and corporations are actively pointing a gun to children’s futures, actively making it worse, actively going out of their way to support corporations and poison us and destroy our future and that is horrifying and it feels like a betrayal,” Margolin said. “It’s like a knife to the heart.”
Margolin said in her prepared testimony that her mother is an immigrant from Columbia.
“I will never get to experience that harmony and paradise on earth that she did,” Margolin said. “I know foreign affairs deals with international development, but this whole idea of development is backwards [sic].”
“We think that development means big cities and lots of money, but in reality places like where my Abuela grew up are just as rich as any American metropolis,” Margolin said.
“I want the entirety of Congress, in fact, the whole U.S. government, to remember the fear and despair that my generation lives with every day, and I want you to hold onto it,” Margolin said in her opening remarks.
“How do I even begin to convey to you what it feels like to know that within my lifetime the destruction that we have already seen from the climate crisis will only get worse?”
“The fact that you are staring at a panel of young people testifying before you today pleading for a livable Earth should not fill you with pride, it should fill you with shame,” Margolin said.
Swedish teen climate activist Greta Thunberg also testified at the hearing, although she did not read an opening statement but instead presented the committee with a United Nations report on climate change.
Thunberg started the Fridays for Future school walkout movement and will be a featured speaker at the United Nations at its climate summit next week.
The hearing unfolded mostly along party lines, with Republicans pointing out how it is countries like China and India that are contributing the most to pollution in the world and that the United States is a top steward of its land and resources at cutting carbon emissions.
Democrats said that climate change is the greatest threat facing the world.
Read more at Breitbart
Democrats and Liberals are the greatest threat. Little kids like this girl need to get some serious counseling and stay off the cell phone. Learn something instead.
These kids have been victimized by the liberals that solidly control education and the media. They have been told only the lies of the climate change movement. However, I also agree with TEWS_Pilot. The many kids today are whimps. I made a similar post yesterday in the Climate Change ‘Eco-Anxiety’ article.
I should also add if “places like where my Abuela grew up are just as rich as any American metropolis,” then why doesn’t Margolin move back to Columbia when she is old enough?
Kids born 100 years ago grew up facing the REALITY of humanity having just survived a World War and the approaching SECOND World War with NO assurance that the world would not be overtaken by tyrants and the worst sub-humans ever to exist. They fought their way through all of it and went on to create the greatest economy in the history of the world. They didn’t give up even when the hour was the darkest. These cry babies today need to learn some HISTORY as well as SCIENCE.
Wonderful! A conveyor belt full of future AO-C’S ,as far as the mind can imagine.
“Why study when the world is ending?” . She is the product of an education that told her what to think instead of how to think for herself. Unless, of course, she sees through it all and has chosen to exploit rather than be exploited.
Remember Socraties was forced to drink Hemlock when he was found guilty of Seducution or corupting the minds of the Greek Youth it seem we have many who are also guilty of seduction as well like the Greens and the Democrats and the various Eco-Freak groups
I’m so glad my children didn’t attend public school. They know the “Climate Crisis” or what ever it’s called is a bunch of baloney and it’s goal is to limit our freedoms and take certain rights away.
Dr Tim Ball – Historical Climatologist
Book ‘The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science’.
Book “Human Caused Global Wa rming”, ‘The Biggest Deception in History’.
BREAKING – Dr. Tim Ball wins @MichaelEMann lawsuit – Mann has to pay