The sun is the source of all our warmth. Without it, we would not exist. Like everything else, it is cyclical in nature. The term “lunatic” referred to people who seemed to go a bit strange when there was a full moon.
Some people are perhaps susceptible to its gravitational forces. After all, it is the moon that lifts the entire oceans creating high and low tide.
There are people who have varying mood swings and others who are a tad more steady. Yet we all have our ups and downs.
There is the Human Excitability Study where war was correlated to sunspot activity. The sunspot cycle is roughly every eleven years. However, this time it’s different.
The sun is headed for a very rare, super-cooling period that threatens to topple civilization itself as it has throughout history roughly following a 300-year cycle.
For most of its history, science believed the sun’s output was constant. They finally realized that a thermal dynamic cycle beats like your heart so the sun could not exist if it was a steady outflow of energy.
One degree less and it would blow itself out. Hence, it is cyclical rising and falling in intensity.
The eleven-year cycle in sunspots itself builds in intensity like the Economic Confidence Model (ECM) reaching “grand maxima” and “grand minima” over the course of 300 years.
The last grand maximum peaked circa 1958, after which the sun has been steadily quieting down. Today, the drop in activity is at its steepest in 9,300 years, which is being ignored by the Global Warming propaganda.
The last Maunder Minimum, during which the sun languished for seventy years, took place from 1645 to 1715 when the sun’s brightness declined and the number of sunspots collapsed to almost zero.
A.L. Tchijevsky (1897-1964) did a study on sunspot and human activity. He found that humans responded even creating wars with the swings in sunspot activity.
Read more at Armstrong Economics
As the entire earth climate changes further in the cooling cycle, watch dickheads like Trudeau increase his Justin Trudeau Carbon Tax to battle climate cooling.
Chicken Little could’nt hold a candle to Al Bore Leonardo DiCaprio and those troublemakers from Greenpeace,NRDC and EDF for telling us false alarms for nothing
To make sure everyone understands, lower sun spots activity means a colder earth. If we follow history, the steepest decline in 9,300 years could be much colder.
The little boy who cried wolf had no one come on third time. Climate alarmists have cried wolf hundreds of thousands of times. This puts us in state of automatically rejecting dire predictions. However, when it comes to the threat of cooling we need to take our minds out of automatic and start thinking.
In the last mini ice age there was a shortage of food in many places. It is simple science that crops don’t grow as fast at lower temperatures. However, there is more to it than that. The farming of sensitive crops around my home town is limited by frost. If the climate is colder, the last frost of spring comes later in the year and the first frost of fall comes earlier. Frost could become common in some places where it is currently rare.
Climate alarmists often talk about what we are doing to our children and grandchildren. If the earth becomes much colder what we could be doing to our descendants is subjecting them to hunger or even starvation. Instead of squandering a trillion a year to fight an artificial warming crisis, some of that money should go to preparations to grow enough food in a colder climate. Of the many things that should be done is develop suitable strains of crops, get ready to provide water where it will remain warmer, and preserve potential crop lands in warmer environments.
Fortunately there is one mitigation effort that would help. When the climate is becoming cold more ice covers the land. Ice reflects heat back into space better than land does. This provides what is called a positive feed back loop to enhance the cooling. What man can do is in the areas where the ice is expanding, apply a thin lawyer of soot. The pollution from China has shown that a very thin layer can melt the ice. This won’t make up for the reduced energy of the sun, but at least would remove a factor that would make the cooling worse.
Yes, I’m tired of dire predictions. If it warms OR cools, we’ll adapt. Strains of various grains and vegetables have already been developed for Northern farmers. Why? Crop diversity helps our bottom line.
Last frost / first frost defines the length of our growing season . From year to year, it varies. I look at the new calendar every year for the timing of full moons. A clear sky and a full moon in May or October gets circled. Frost threatens under a full moon.
Extreme weather is a threat to our food supply. However, there is a huge amount of headroom if we adjust. Meat is a luxury we currently can afford. It’s not an efficient use of grain, but grain is currently in surplus supply.
California seems to be burning up, for lack of rain. But it’s still the numero uno agricultural state. They irrigate. So did the Roman’s.
It’s too soon to fret. We’re over-fed anyways.
I need to have one response to the theory that some people’s behavior is influenced by lunar cycle. If this is true, there is a much better explanation than gravitational forces. In more primitive times an important part of our nutrition was from hunting. The light of a full moon provides enhanced ability to hunt at night. One theory says that we have a personality traits related to hunting that are enhanced by the full noon. I consider this to be plausible.
Is that so? If you don’t mind, we’ll wait and see.
No, Hill, you never have to wait and see if Liberals do dumb things. All you have to do is turn on the TV or read a paper any time of day.
All I have to do is turn on MSNBC and
after waiting through 20 minutes of commercials
listen only for a minute or two and
I have all the lies I need to be entertained with
for a least a month.
Will Al Bore,Leonardo DiCaprio and those idiots from Greenpeace blame this on Global Warming or voting for Trump? Liberals a re always doing dumb things