With the blaring headlines we saw in the wake of tropical storm Harvey over Houston last year and Florence over the Carolinas last month, the CO2 hysteria saw another severe flare up.
However, a scientific study recently published in the Journal of Hydrology analyzed North Atlantic tropical cyclones (TCs) and their contribution to flooding and rainfall across the US. Hat-tip: a reader.
The result?
No statistically significant trends in magnitude or frequency.
What follows is the paper’s abstract and main takeaway points:
Adventurous scientific speculation
Also, leading Univ. of Alabama climate scientist Dr. Roy Spencer dismissed any claimed connection between climate change and Hurricane Florence.
One of the alarmist claims is that hurricanes are slowing down due to jet stream changes, the result of a warming climate, which allegedly resulted from a greenhouse effect by added CO2.
Spencer dumps cold water on it and seems to characterize the attempt as adventurous speculation:
But like most claims regarding global warming, the real effect is small, probably temporary, and most likely due to natural weather patterns.
Any changes in hurricanes over 70 years, even if real, can easily be part of natural cycles — or incomplete data.
Coastal lake sediments along the Gulf of Mexico shoreline from 1,000 to 2,000 years ago suggest more frequent and intense hurricanes than occur today. Why? No one knows.”
Read more at No Tricks Zone
Adventurous speculation is not scientific. Strict adherence to the scientific method has not supported the political AGW scam.
If the increase of carbon dioxide levels really has slowed the ground speed of recent hurricanes, what concentration of CO2 would it take to make hurricanes stall and reverse direction? That question is no more ludicrous than the alarmists’ conjectures of late. After a quiet 12 years without a major hurricane reaching the USA, suddenly CO2 makes them worse? Get outta here!!
The trouble with the liberal lie a day news media is they jump on the wrong bandwagons that go left instead of the ones going right and they ignore the pleas from the people to stop