Dusseldorf, Germany — Global warming skeptics have descended upon the UN climate summit in Germany this week, hosting a summit of their own to highlight the errors of the UN’s climate change claims. On the final day of the skeptics’ climate summit, the group gathered for a champagne toast to the U.S. climate exit or “clexit” from the UN Paris pact.
Europeans at German summit praise USA for exiting UN climate pact:
Lord Christopher Monckton, former Thatcher adviser: “President Trump is right. He speaks not only for the former Democrat workers from the rust-belt states whom the new totalitarians have callously abandoned but also for all who fear the establishment of the global totalitarian rule on the specious pretext of saving the planet. The science behind global warming has collapsed. So too will the “climate process”, a rent-seekers’ nirvana in which the many are compelled to impoverish themselves to enrich the gilded few.”
Dr. Holger Thus, President of the EIKE – European Institute for Climate & Energy on U.S. climate exit: “It was very important. What people don’t want to see is the U.S. is blamed for a lot of things, but in the past, it has also been paying for a lot of things. The core of the message of President Trump was is that he is no longer willing to pay things are not in the interest of the United States. The U.S. could be a policy model for other countries. There are many countries that are thinking of undertaking such steps.”
French climate skeptic Pierre Bouteille of the French group Climato-Réalistes on U.S. climate exit: “It was a boost to our morale. On climate Trump is doing the right thing. He is appointing the right people.”
Craig Rucker, the executive director of CFACT: “The Europeans congratulate the U.S. for the courage to stand up to the UN, academia and the media and our willingness to go it alone when it comes to the UN Paris pact. A champagne toast celebrating the U.S. withdrawal during the UN climate summit was the perfect message to send to the UN climate summit.”
Marc Morano, publisher of Climate Depot, author of upcoming book, “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change”: “President Trump waded into a religious war by going after UN climate pact. The former UN chief has actually said global warming is my religion. Trump is actually standing up and willing to taking on the religion of climate change. No modern leader other than former Czech President Vaclav Klaus has shown this kind of strength. Trump is a leader! When Ronald Reagan was elected in 1980, he was called the reckless cowboy and many were worried. This is what leadership looks like, you buck even your allies and do what’s right not only for your country but for the planet. The planet does not need nonsense about a UN climate treaty somehow saving us and now we are all doomed because we did not adhere to it. That is a belief in superstition. This is America reborn. Trump is showing unbelievable courage.”
Read more at Climate Depot
“Oh, what a tangled web we weave…when first we practice to deceive.”
“the errors of the UN’s climate change claims”??? No. No error. The deception is deliberate and criminal.
Let’s just say it. The U.N. is deliberately lying to “FORWARD” their PROGRESSIVE ONE WORLD agenda. The U.N. is part of the “swamp” that needs draining and Trump was right to exit from the U.N. Paris Pact. It’s a good first step. Now the U.S. needs to withdraw from the U.N. altogether and evict the liars from the U.S.
scientists would happily prove up is down and left is right if someone would supply them funding.
most academics have a constant scramble to find funding and there is nothing so intellectually rewarding as proving true=false. especially if your peers can’t figure out how you did it.
This is perhaps a strong signal that the climate change movement is on the decline. It isn’t the fact that there was such a demonstration; it is that there were people concerned enough to do it.
Nice to see some people haven’t succumbed to the PC thought police of the climate fraud industry . We should celebrate any warming we get and if humans make some contribution then drinks all around .
How can anyone in the climate doom industry claim to know
when those 11 Antarctic volcanos are going to go off ? Yet they claim humans can fine tune the temperature of the entire planet to within a couple of degrees by cutting back on a plant food gas .
The scientific community has allowed itself to be bought and paid for cheerleaders of the biggest fraud in history . Couldn’t those $Billions have been better spent on something else ?
Acting in one’s self interest built America. The United Nations has been feeding off the USA since 1945. Trump is openly encouraging trading partners to negotiate in their own interest (ie, their people). The world will be wealthier if they listen to him.
The same skeptics that the Eco-Wackos want sent to Concentration Camps/ Gulags for refusing to bow down and worship and the Church of Gaia and for making the yearly sacrifice of Virgins and Children as well as Skeptics to their pagan deities they worship every Earthday