By now, almost everyone knows the conventional wisdom: climate change is an existential threat to human civilization.
Fires, floods, and hurricanes are worsening; the coral on the Great Barrier Reef is dying; we’re in a Sixth Mass Extinction; the only way to turn things around is with inexpensive renewables, and no longer eating meat; and we don’t need nuclear energy, which is too dangerous. [emphasis, links added]
It’s a powerful story, one that has motivated millions of people to march in the streets and governments to spend $1 trillion annually on green energy.
There’s only one problem with it: practically everything you’ve heard about climate change is wrong. Here’s a set of facts you won’t read in The New York Times:
Michael Shellenberger is an energy expert, writer, and leading intellectual in the pro-human environmental movement. He is a cofounder of the Breakthrough Institute and the California Peace Coalition, and founder of Environmental Progress. He is also the author of several bestselling books.
Species going extinct? How many articles have I read over the past couple of months of birds and animals thought extinct being rediscovered, and how many previously unknown species have been identified?
Two of the biggest lies that Eco-Freaks tell is the Earth is Fragile and the Delicate Balance of Nature