Scaremongering is mother’s milk to global warming campaigners.
Their problem is that their predictions never come true.
Sea level rise is a top scare topic. If all the world’s ice melts they tell us, seas will rise and devastate coastal cities. Remember Kevin Costner’s Waterworld?
The trouble for team warming is Antarctica, home to most of the world’s ice, remains devastatingly cold. Its ice is stable and expanding.
World sea level has been rising very slowly for centuries – from one to three millimeters per year. That’s about the width of a paper clip and no reason to sell your beach house.
Yet some places have seen rising water locally. When they learned that Millennial and Green voters were largely indifferent to Hillary Clinton, Clinton traveled to Miami with Al Gore to scare out their vote. That the rest of the Florida coast has not seen water in the street like Miami didn’t enter into it.
CFACT senior policy advisor Paul Driessen posted some excellent information on the sea level scare at
“As a new report by Dr. Roger Bezdek explains, reality is much different. (His report awaits publication in a scientific journal.) At least for the Chesapeake region, Houston-Galveston, Texas, area, Santa Clara Valley, California, and other places around the globe, the primary cause of seawater intrusions is not rising oceans ‚Äì but land subsidence due to groundwater withdrawal from subsurface shale and sandstone formations, and to ‘glacial isostatic adjustments’ that have been ongoing since the last glaciers melted.”
“The solution therefore is not to continue trying to control Earth’s climate ‚Äì an impossible, economy-busting task that would further impede fossil fuel use, economic development, job creation, and human health and welfare. The solution requires reducing groundwater removal in these coastal areas.”
Ground water removal? Plate tectonics? Super moon tides? Anyone who conflates CO2 emissions with these factors is selling something.
We’re not buying it.