Democrat 2020 candidate Robert “Beto” O’Rourke warned that civilization is on a ten-year deadline before leaving kids with “hell” as he defended plans to pay farmers not to use all their lands.
O’Rourke was speaking at Edison High School in Northeast Minneapolis, Minnesota, when he warned that after ten years, the planet would be on a trajectory to “cook” at two degrees Celsius, an increase that will leave kids with “hell.”
“Pay them so they can make a profit, not cultivating every square inch that they own for soybeans and corn in Iowa, but leave it wild in a conservation easement so that they can make money doing their part to save this planet,” O’Rourke proposed with a warning.
The warning he tacked on was that there exists just a ten-year “shot clock for this civilization.” Only a couple of audience members could be heard clapping.
“Then we can retake our rightful role as the indispensable nation, convene the other powers of the planet, and ensure that we leave this world doing what no other country is capable of,” said O’Rourke.
“Then and only then, we have any prospect of ensuring this planet does not cook two degrees Celsius, after which the train is off the tracks, and our kids and our grandkids and the generations that follow them will inherit a hell that we can only imagine.”
The failed 2018 Texas candidate for Senate revealed his climate change plan as he campaigned for president in late April at Yosemite National Park.
He estimated the plan’s cost at $5 trillion.
Read more at Breitbart
Those who claim Animal Agriculture is destroying the enviroment are either Stupid,mis-informed or just plain ignorant or ALL THE ABOVE
More mindless braying from these stupid members of the Stupid Jackass Party sounding liked train parrots IMPEACH TRUMP IMPEACH TRUMP IMPEACH TRUMP SHOULD WE WITHHOLD THEIR CRACKERS?
I’ve always seen it that way. It’s rare that Ontario farmers find an opportunity to grow two crops in one year, known as double cropping. If my farm had Ohio’s climate, I’d be in heaven, not Hell.
My home town of Klamath Falls is at an elevation of 4,100 feet, at least at my property. On the other side of the Cascades Medford has a lower elevation and as such is warmer. When I was in my teens I remember some farmers from Medford, on hearing how much land some Klamath Falls farmer had, concluded that they were wealth. With so much land to work they must have huge harvests. This of course wasn’t true because with the colder climate in Klamath Falls the farmers got less per acre.
At one time the US representative to the IPCC suggested that the temperature increase by 2100 be set at 2.5 degrees C. This of course assumed we could control the climate by controlling emissions, which is false. The reaction was instant extreme hostility by environmentalists and national governments. The hostility was so intense it was as if he had endorsed child prostitution. Not then or any time since has there been any studies to evaluate what the world would be like at different temperatures. The 2 degree and 1.5 degree limits have been set by pure politics. The reason for such hostility is obvious. A higher temperature goal would undermine the agendas hitch hiking on the climate change movement.
Since when is a 2 degree difference “Hell”? Tulsa is 2 degrees cooler than Orlando. Is Orlando hell? Chicago is 2 degrees cooler than Tulsa. Is Tulsa hell? Calgary is 2 degrees cooler than Chicago. Is Chicago hell? Edmonton is 2 degrees cooler than Calgary. Is Calgary hell? etc. etc. The entire earth could shift 2 degrees over a few decades and there would be no hell anywhere.
I agree with the preceding comments.
What O’Rourke is suggesting is that we give an old government program another chance. It was called Payment in Kind, or PIK. Farmers were offered money for acres not planted. It was intended to stifle over production of grain. Farmers figured out a way to make it work for them. They idled their poorest quality land, took the taxpayers money and bought more fertilizer for their good land. As a result, the pile of surplus grain didn’t shrink.
What effect would this program would have on a thermometer reading ?
Why is this sob even relevant on anything? What a brain dead idiot!
He may help the Trump-et-el win …. Who would vote for an idiot like that?
Yes….I know, another idiot.
Where I live in a typical year the winter to summer temperature swing is approximately 35 Degrees C. A two degree increase in temperature would not cook the earth.
And yet this idiot can stiff sit and stuff his fat ugly face all the time over all this Global Warming/Climate Change nonsense A typical liberal democrat Stupider then a sack full of rocks dumber then a stump
He is either astoundingly ignorant or a craven liar. Neither is an attractive alternative.
Don’t see why it’s an either or proposition. He is undoubtedly both.