The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF) warns that rising electricity prices, caused in large part by UK energy and climate policies, are forcing the country’s poorest households to cut back on heating.
According to the fuel poverty report recently released by the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), nearly 70% of UK households are heating their houses less than is required to meet the levels thought necessary to deliver comfort and health.
Those on lower incomes are “under-consuming” by a larger margin than those on higher incomes, with only the top richest decile consuming more than the estimated requirement.
The poorest households were under-consuming by the largest margin, and it is in this category that those most vulnerable to policy costs, the 2.2 million UK households using electric heating, are concentrated, particularly in rented accommodation.
The findings call into question the Chancellor’s recently announced decision to begin phasing out gas fired central heating in the UK from 2025.
Dr. John Constable, the GWPF’s energy editor, said:
“We have long known that energy and climate policies were regressive and damaging to the poor. Government’s own data is now illustrating the facts, showing that those on the lowest incomes, who often have no alternatives to electric heating, simply cannot afford to keep warm. That is deeply unjust, and the government should take corrective steps immediately, as well as reconsidering its long term policy to force the whole country towards electric heating.”
Further information:
* Fuel poverty and electricity policy costs
* Rising electricity prices are forcing Britain’s poorest to underheat their homes
The UK government have knowingly planned and implemented policy guaranteed to produce mass genocide of the poorest citizens and elderly .
Eat or Heat pensioner ? Oh yeah, thanks for your war effort . Killed by eco-nazis in their own home , bet they never saw that coming .
Well no one in the Royal family is too cold or missed any meals and their rich pals with windmill deals are living large off the backs of the serfs just like always
Over 10,000 fuel poverty deaths per year in the UK all based on a massive overblown fraud promoted by government and the media . “Who Knew ” ?
How could they not know ? Failed climate models used to justify the scam,
businesses that make no sense without heavy tax payer subsidy ,and decades of false predictions of doom.
The UK government looks like a kindergarten class on a sugar high ,engaged in a permanent peeing contest meanwhile people pay through the nose for energy or simply die of cold .
A class action lawsuit is going to bring these clowns back to reality .
decades of
Global Warming/Climate Change Enviromentalisms become a pagan radical news age religion which demands its followers to quit having kids the various pagan deities they worship demands the sacrifice of many
The leftist/Marxist/communists don’t care about the poor only about their agenda and gaining more power. Cold kills far more people than heat ever does but again, even though those in power know this, they don’t care. I think we are losing our basic humanity over the fantasy of human caused climate change.
The left says we need to reduce the population. And what better way to do that then let the poor freeze to death.
Population control includes abortion and elder neglect. The vulnerable suffer more.
Addicts and refugees get preferential treatment.
Socialists are shameless.