Michael Mann, a professor at Penn State University, has done a smear piece on President Donald Trump, Greenpeace co-founder Dr. Patrick Moore, and Princeton Physicist Dr. Will Happer in Newsweek.
Mann and other climate activists are working overtime trying to suppress scientific debate and stop the proposed Presidential Climate Commission.
See: All Eyes On The Scientist Set To Upend The ‘Climate Change’ Narrative – Under ‘All-Out Attack’ by Media – ‘Dr. Will Happer is one of the most important scientists in the U.S.’ & Trump touts Greenpeace cofounder declaring ‘the whole climate crisis’ is ‘fake science’ – Video
Mann, known his exploits in the Climategate scandal and his discredited Hockey Stick temperature graph, took to Newsweek to try to quash the upcoming threat of a Presidential commission on climate that would challenge his “consensus” catastrophic man-made climate change views.
[Note: Two Chapters devoted to Mann’s Hockey Stick Claims & his role in the Climategate scandal in The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change.]
A point-by-point rebuttal to Mann’s claims by Marc Morano of Climate Depot.
Michael Mann’s March 13, 2019, Newsweek article: “DONALD TRUMP’S CLIMATE DENIAL GETS MORE RIDICULOUS BY THE DAY”
Michael Mann claim: “Once upon a time, Donald Trump accepted the scientific reality that human activity, primarily burning fossil fuels, causes climate change. He signed on to an ad calling on President Obama to take action on climate change.That was 2009.”
Climate Depot Response: Nice try Professor Mann. In December 2009, Donald Trump’s name appeared in a long list of corporate America in a newspaper ad urging the U.S. to pass so-called climate regulations.
Having Trump’s name appear along with a lengthy list of businesses does not even mean Trump himself was aware that his organization was listed (perhaps his daughter Ivanka approved his name in the ad. Her name also appears on the list)
The letter stands out in Trump’s public statements at the time. Just two months later, despite his name appearing in a form letter in a newspaper, Trump was publicly declaring himself a climate skeptic.
See Feb. 2010: Donald Trump says Al Gore should return his Nobel Prize: ‘The Nobel committee should take the Nobel Prize back from Al Gore’ – Donald Trump is not a big believer in global warming.
“With the coldest winter ever recorded, with snow setting record levels up and down the coast, the Nobel committee should take the Nobel Prize back from Al Gore,” the real estate magnate told members of his Trump National Golf Club in Westchester in a recent speech.
“Gore wants us to clean up our factories and plants in order to protect us from global warming when China and other countries couldn’t care less. It would make us totally noncompetitive in the manufacturing world, and China, Japan, and India are laughing at America’s stupidity.”
The crowd of 500 stood up and cheered.”
As Marc Morano told Sky News in 2017:
“Donald Trump has been consistent about — if you go back to the 1980s with his Oprah Winfrey interviews. He’s been America first and he has been concerned about sovereignty. So he is not going to look at this and think it is a good deal for America when the UN has actually said they will redistribute wealth by climate policy. This has nothing to do with climate policy. This is a no brainer for Trump to withdraw the U.S. from.”
Trump also expresses very accurate climate science views: Trump Aces Climate Change Debate on ’60 Minutes’
Reality check to Michael Mann, President Trump has been remarkably consistent on his view on man-made climate change.
Michael Mann claim: “Patrick Moore, who falsely claims to be a co-founder of Greenpeace…”
Climate Depot response: WRONG Professor Mann! Greenpeace’s own history has featured Moore as one of its “founders”! Do some basic research Prof. Mann before you try to smear. See: Greenpeace Cofounder Patrick Moore Blasts His Former Group For Rewriting History
Greenpeace’s website listed Moore among its “founders and first members” before quietly removing it around 2007. Moore is only listed as a member of the group’s 1971 maiden voyage to oppose nuclear testing.
BUSTED: Greenpeace own website used to show Patrick Moore as one of “the founders of Greenpeace.”
Prof. Mann, will you issue a retraction and apology to Dr. Moore for your obviously incorrect and poorly researched claims?
Michael Mann claim: Moore “claimed that the ‘climate crisis’ is ‘Fake Science’ and that ‘carbon dioxide is the main building block of all life.’”
Climate Depot response: Dr. Moore nailed it scientifically and has support from many of his fellow prominent scientific colleagues. Excerpt from The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change – Page 46:
Einstein’s Successor Touts the Virtues of Carbon Dioxide: Renowned physicist Freeman Dyson of Princeton’s Institute for Advanced Study, who has been called Einstein’s successor,16 says, “I like carbon dioxide, it’s very good for plants. It’s good for the vegetation, the farms, essentially carbon dioxide is vital for food production, vital for wildlife.
“The effects of CO2 on climate are really very poorly understood. . . . The experts all seem to think they understand it, I don’t think they do . . . Climate is a very complicated story. And we may or may not understand it better (in the future). The main thing that is lacking at the moment is humility. The climate experts have set themselves up as being the guardians of the truth and they think they have the truth and that is a dangerous situation.”
Nobel Prize-winning scientist Dr. Ivar Giaever explained: “The Earth has existed for maybe 4.5 billion years, and now the alarmists will have us believe that because of the small rise in temperature for roughly 150 years (which, by the way, I believe you cannot really measure) we are doomed unless we stop using fossil fuels…You and I breathe out at least thirty tons of CO2 in a normal life span, but nevertheless, the Environmental Protection Agency decided to classify rising carbon-dioxide emissions as a hazard to human health.”
Page 53: Ivy League geologist Robert Giegengack, former chair of the Department of Earth and Environmental Science at the University of Pennsylvania, has spoken about the “natural interplay” between temperature. Giegengack noted that “for most of Earth’s history, the globe has been warmer than it has been for the last 200 years. It has rarely been cooler.”
In my interview with him for my film Climate Hustle, he said, “I’m impressed by the fact that the present climate, from the perspective of a geologist, is very close to the coldest it’s ever been.”
He also said, “The concentration CO2 in the atmosphere today is the close to the lowest it has ever been.” Giegengack has authored two hundred peer-reviewed studies and spent much of his academic career in the doing field research on the history of climate on almost every continent.
Michael Mann claim: “First off, the people who call Puerto Rico home, or Paradise, California, or any number of cities and towns across the country and indeed the planet who have felt the already devastating impacts of climate change would beg to differ.”
Climate Depot response: “Devastating impacts” from hurricanes are not evidence of man-made climate change. Puerto Rico suffered from a bad hurricane and was unprepared and is still suffering the consequences from their lack of readiness and from the inefficient federal government response.
Try as you might, Prof. Mann, hurricane activity is not supporting your “extreme weather” claims, not even Hurricane Maria which hit Puerto Rico in 2017.
See: Hurricane Maria had the eighth-lowest landfall pressure (917 MB) on record in the Atlantic Basin. Meteorologist Anthony Watts noted, “With Irma ranked 7th, and Harvey ranked 18th, it’s going to be tough for climate alarmists to try connecting these two storms to being driven by CO2/global warming. But they’ll do it anyway.”
But on every metric, extreme weather is on no trend or declining trend on climate timescales. Even the UN IPCC admits this.
See: UN IPCC Report Admits Extreme Weather Events Have Not Increased & See: The UN IPCC Fifth Assessment Report in 2013 found, “Current datasets indicate no significant observed trends in global tropical cyclone frequency over the past century…. No robust trends in annual numbers of tropical storms, hurricanes and major hurricanes counts have been identified over the past 100 years in the North Atlantic basin.”
Michael Mann claim: “Climate change is already making the heat waves that cause heat strokes worse.”
Climate Depot response: Mann’s heat waves claims are not supported in the peer-review literature. See: Claims Of More Heat Waves Refuted By Multiple Recent Studies, Longterm Data
Read rest at Climate Depot
Tammy Bruce recently did a beautiful job explaining the left’s strategy to just silence those that don’t agree with them . Climate change fear mongering is right out of that play book .
“The science is settled” nonsense which in itself is anti science .
Fortunately some scientists are prepared to defend the scientific method and will not be bullied .
They send little wimps after Patrick Moore because he is enormously credible. Who have they got? A NY bartender pretender , a former clown ,
a family of former slave owning tobacco farmers, a smut novelist train engineer and a bunch of hypocrite Hollywood actors .
Patrick Moore took on the entire Japanese government to stop the slaughter of whales and he won . Good luck trying to shut him down .
Mann …charming ? Now that is funny .
radical Eco-Wackos the Unibomber Ted Kazinski was inspired by Al Gore’s book EARTH IN THE BALANCE and Nut Burger who took hostages at the Discovery Channel was also inspired by Al Gore and his fake movie A INCONVENT TRUTH
Is Mann a Sociopath?
If He Has These 7 Traits, Chances Are He’s A Sociopath
Lack of empathy. …
Difficult with relationships. …
Manipulativeness. …
Callousness. …
Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. …
Sociopaths never apologize.
Michael Mann was a corrupt “scientist” when he created his erroneous hockey stick curve at NASA. He should have been jailed as a scammer long ago…. Mann and fraudster Al Gore would make great cell mates.
Yes. Mann went to the front of the line when he delivered what the IPCC wanted. Disciplined science and scientists disappeared in his rear view mirror.
The type of attack Mann is using is to try to discrete what the person says by smearing the person. It is a very old tactic of the liberals made necessary people being right on the facts when speaking against a liberal agenda. It doesn’t matter who says if it is right.
A second very obvious fact is many in the climate change movement are well aware of all of the lies that have told to support their agenda. The proposed Presidential Climate Commission would expose these lies. Someone with Mann’s background has to be well aware of this.
Recreate the hockey stick if you can . That’s what science is supposed to be able to do .
Is “Hide the decline” a scientific term ? Sounds a lot more like science fiction
bought and paid for .
Mann should be able to argue and defend following the scientific method science . Anything else is self serving mumbo jumbo .
The liberal left has been getting away with bullying , lies , and gross alarmist nonsense far to long .
They pretend without fossil fuel use the climate would be much better . Wrong . Natural variables swamp the minuscule effects of extra plant food in the atmosphere .
They pretend humans are some how capable of creating a Goldilocks temperature by self destructing the world economy on the false premise natural variables won’t continue to have their way with climate as they have for over 4 billion years . The premise of the massive scary global warming fraud is so preposterous it actually fools some idiots .
There are sound arguments to conserving the use of fossil fuels but the con game being promoted by the earth has a fever industry is criminal causing needless premature deaths from fuel poverty and a misapplication of limited resources to address a nonissue .
Cut back fossil fuel use or the Easter Bunny won’t come has as much credibility .
Mann could ride his hockey stick to the ice free north pole,sit awhile and ponder the wonder of it all.
A true scientist would present a logical argument with proof when disputing a position they disagree with .
But this supposed scientist counterattacks with argumentum ad hominem, cheap smears and name-calling.
On which side of the argument is the true scientist ?
Mann is just another Crack-Pots like Bill Nye,David Suzuki,Al Gore,Leonardo DiCaprio,Laurie David and those Crack-pot from Greenpeace,NRDC,Sierra Club,EDF Etc who sound like they have been hit on the head too many times
2/3 of CO2 is Oxygen. Try getting around without it.