The head of the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy of Sciences has again inferred that denial of the controversial concept of man-made climate change equates to flat earth mentality.
“From the scientific point of view, the sentence that the earth is warmed by human activity is as true as the sentence: The earth is round!” said Archbishop Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo.
The archbishop has been a consistent and zealous promoter of man-made climate change as a non-negotiable Church issue, despite the status of care for the environment as a prudential matter.
Climate change ideology continues to be contested as a ploy perpetrated with manipulated data by the left to enact environmental regulations and taxes.
Even so, Archbishop Sorondo dismissed deniers of climate change in a recent Vatican Radio interview as “a small, negligible minority.”
The interview conducted in German contained the headline: “Vatican: ‘Climate change is a fact,’” and centered on reception of Pope Francis’ eco-encyclical Laudato Si’ two years after its release.
Archbishop Sorondo went on in the interview to say that human-affected climate change was considered science. He added that the Pope not only has the right but also the duty to rely on science in addition to doctrine and philosophy in seeking out the truth.
If the pope expresses himself on such a subject, then this was not arbitrary, he said, as the pope’s words are not restricted to the area of “doctrine of faith and morals.”
The pope makes use of the truths of science or philosophy to not only explain to man how to get to heaven, said the archbishop, but also what he must do on earth.
All human activities have to do with ethics, the Argentinean archbishop said, so they are already within the jurisdiction of the pope.
Archbishop Sorondo is a close adviser to Pope Francis and the Chancellor of both the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences. He has repeatedly welcomed pro-abortion and population control advocates to the Vatican for conferences under the pretext of the climate issue.
Last month, just before President Donald Trump announced the U.S. would pull out of the controversial Paris Climate Agreement, the archbishop likened climate ideology skeptics to flat-earthers as well.
Withdrawal from the Paris accord “would not only be a disaster but completely unscientific,” he said.
“Saying that we need to rely on coal and oil is like saying that the earth is not round,” Archbishop Sorondo stated. “It is an absurdity dictated by the need to make money.”
He has also repeatedly made the claim that those who don’t subscribe to the manmade climate change theory are in some way subsidized by the oil industry. He did so again in the Vatican Radio interview.
“Of course, some sectors that depend on the oil lobby — including some Catholic institutions! — do not agree with Laudato Si’,’” the archbishop stated. “And with this, they are causing serious damage because the climate is deteriorating — even the opponents of climate change will be among their victims, in the short or long term.”
Archbishop Sorondo drew a heated reaction at a December 2015 conference in Rome on Laudato Si’ by claiming that the pope’s pronouncements on global warming expressed in his document are magisterial teaching with the same gravity as the Church’s teaching on abortion.
The archbishop had tried to float the idea then as well that climate change, then generally still labeled global warming, was a non-negotiable moral issue.
After asserting in his address that global warming was caused by human activity and twice claiming that Pope Francis’ teaching on it via Laudato Si’ was magisterial, other panel presenters at the conference challenged Archbishop Sorondo.
Acton Institute founder and president Father Robert Sirico explained citing the Catechism that the Church’s mission was spiritual and not political, economic or social.
“The Church does not claim to speak with the same authority on matters of economics and science as it does when pronouncing on matters of faith and morals,” he said.
Read more at Life Site News
This nut needs to be excommunicated He sounds like some fire and brimestone type from the Salem Witch Trials of 1620’s who would want all skeptics burned at the stake for refusing to worship and the Church of Gaia
“Vatican: ‘Climate change is a fact,’”
Well, thats stupid.
They could have proclaimed: “Water is wet”. Or grass is green.
Because nobody denies that the climate changes. It does so every day, and season.
We only argue the fact that co2 has any measurable influence..
Thats where the alarmists go over the cliff.
The Archbishop should restrict his comments to matters of church expertise: Real Estate.
“implied” dear, not “inferred.”
Seems to me is is violating one of the ten comandments THOU SHALL HAVE NO OTHER GOD BEFORE ME seems too me like he is worshiping GAIA the same false deity that enviromentalists worship during their Earthday Celebrations every April 22nd
Some things just don’t change, even over hundreds of years. To quote Wikipedia, when Galileo proposed that the Earth was not the center of the universe, “He was tried by the Inquisition, found “vehemently suspect of heresy”, and forced to recant. He spent the rest of his life under house arrest.”
Then and now, if the Catholic Church doesn’t have the ability to recognize true science, then it should avoid the issue all together. That isn’t what a church is supposed to be about.
If “those who don’t subscribe to the manmade climate change theory are in some way subsidized by the oil industry,” then where is my check?
I guess the 38,000+ scientists who signed the Oregon Petition against climate change are part of the “a small, negligible minority.”
The RCC teaching is more in line with paganism than Christianity ( the RCC actively denies, via the Council of Trent, the main tenet of Christianity which is salvation by grace through faith alone, i.e. not works ) , as such, it would make sense for a pagan psuedo christian religion to side with a pagan earth based religion…..
“Can two walk together, unless they be agreed? ( Amos 3:3 )
Agreed, another instance of pagans agreeing with pagans.
Of course the catholic church honed its skills at cover-ups by burying the truth about systemic clergy pedophilia for over 50 years. They’ve lined the Vatican’s coffers with billions by working an extortion scheme that attempts to withhold salvation for cash and other considerations. This is easy by comparison.
This pope is much more concerned with the agenda of socialism than he is with any other kind of faith. The Roman Catholic Church has officially sold out. It’s only a matter of time until the pope teams up with Al Gore to sell carbon offsets as indulgences.
I think we should have a climate change inquisition
if for no other reason than the
Roman church can expose itself for its
Actually, the earth is not “round”, it is roughly an oblate spheroid. The other statement “The earth is warmed by human activity” is true. It’s just so insignificant that no one has shown a credible quantification.
What was it they said about False prophets? This nutcase is a false prophet just like the false pope
I can hardly wait for
to so declare ex cathedra.
We all know how infallible