Tony Heller’s website is a one-stop-shop for exposing government agency data-fudging. For decades, NASA/NOAA has been cooling the past so as to create a fake warming trend — all in a desperate attempt to sustain their failing AGW theory.
Furthermore, and not to get too personal here, but why are the scientists at the heart of the fraud such slimy, thin-skinned wusses–desperate to evade scrutiny at all costs? What do they have to hide?
Case in point, watch this embarrassing interview with NASA’s Gavin Schmidt. Schmidt only agreed to speak if it “wasn’t a debate.”
And while I urge you watch the entire video, particularly the parts with the excellent Dr. Roy Spencer (a real climate scientist btw), skip to 2:00 and then to 6:30 if you’re interested in Schmidt’s “la la la, I’m not listening to you” evading tactics.
So NASA refuses to debate an issue which supposedly negatively impacts every living organism on the planet — and 2013 should be considered the good old days.
Now, the climate fraudsters have worked a position where so-called skeptics have no platform at all. Today, even this kind of non-debate would never be agreed to.
But looking at the ever-mounting case against NASA/NOAA, re their temperature graphs, they probably have good reason to evade scrutiny.
Serving as just one example, government agencies have been erasing the 1940s warmth in the Eastern Arctic for decades, writes Tony Heller.
This is what the raw data for Iceland’s capital Reykjavík looks like:
Note the tactic — cool the past in order to fabricate a warming trend where there was none before:
Removing the warmth of the 1940s (without any justification) was discussed by the world’s leading climate experts in this Climategate email:
Those at the Icelandic Met Office (IMO) couldn’t understand the adjustments.
Trausti Jónsson, a senior meteorologist at the IMO, wrote in 2012 that his office was never advised as to the reason for them.
Furthermore, Jónsson said the temperature corrections “are grossly in error in the case of Reykjavík…” And when asked if the IMO intended to modify its data to match that of NASA’s/NOAA’s, Jónsson replied: “no”.
Years later, Jónsson suspiciously flipped his story, going from “the corrections are grossly in error” to “the adjustments are quite sound” — and no explanation for this change of heart was given.
And just as suspiciously, after the heat that followed NASA’s Icelandic temperature tampering debacle, Schmidt and his band of merry frauds quietly stopped adjusting Reykjavík’s data, without comment — thus confirming the removal of the 1940’s warmth was without justification.
Temperature adjustments aren’t just confined to the Eastern Arctic, of course.
Government book-cooking encompasses the entire globe.
Read rest at ElectroVerse
Bears mentioning, but really needs to be grasped that, AGW is NOT a theory. It is only a hypothesis. There is such scant evidence to support this idea, that a theory has never really formed from the premise. The concept that CO2 causes warming in an atmosphere is plausible, but on earth, under prevailing conditions, the greenhouse warming of our atmosphere just is not valid. That being the case, it truly is astounding to think how much energy, time and money is poured into this argument from both sides.
Such a polite word “adjusted” isn’t it. How about fraud, lies or deception all of which are now very fashionable in just about everything. I am stunned how so called scientists seemingly have no conscience about their fabrications. I am sure they don’t actually know all this was foretold in the Bible. The Apostle Paul in his very last letter before his martyrdom, written to Timothy records with stunning accuracy everything that is now happening on a huge scale. Try reading 2 Timothy 3:1-9 and you will certainly understand the times we are now living in. Maybe couple it with Jesus’ own epic statement in Matthew 24 as well.
This is all the plans of the Globalists and their push for a world government all under the United Nations