Most people have heard of the Great Chicago Fire of 1871, but there were much worse fires burning at that time. Thousands of people were killed by massive fires in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Ontario. There were also huge fires burning in the Rocky Mountains.
14 Oct 1871, Page 2 – Harrisburg Telegraph at
The worst of these fires occurred at Peshtigo, Wisconsin, which killed more than 1,000 people.
The fire was fanned by a 12-mile wide “hurricane” which knocked many trees down and blocked escape from the city.
02 Oct 1872, Page 6 – Chicago Tribune at
Minnesota was also on fire.
The 1871 fires were much worse than any recent fires. But one thing that hasn’t changed since 1871 is an obsession with imaginary climate change. Atmospheric CO2 was below 300 PPM at the time.
If we could reduce CO2 levels to 300PPM, perhaps we could expect a return to the “safe climate” of 1871?
Read more at Real Climate Science
My own research, these deadly fires were caused by a meteorite barrage. Check it out.
With all those midwest mega fires, what date and year did they occur?
Manistee, MI October 8, 1871
Holland, MI October 8, 1871
Urbana, IL October 9, 1871
Windsor, Ontario October 12, 1871
Breckenridge, MN October 3, 1871
10 Fires around
Peshtigo, WI October 7, 1871
Canal street, IL October 7, 1871
Chicago Fire October 8, 1871
Massive meteor found in Washington County, WI 1871
We here in Sisikiyou County and Scott Valley just got over a fire that came within 5 to 6 miles of the town of Etna where i live they even had a 747 and DC-10 drop on the fires and it was pretty busy all this time they even had a fire camp set up just a mile south of our town its just too bad they could’nt have gotten in some enviromental activists to help putting out the fires cuased by their own rediculous ideologies
As I have said before, warming alarmists are poor students of history. Much of what they hold up as sure signs of climate change have happened before, and were often worse. This is not only true of the fires of 1871, the heat waves of the 1930’s.
and back in 1871 there were no cars no air conditoners,no eletricity,no gas ranges,no airplanes it was a few years after the Civil War the NRA was born and we did’nt have any dumb enviromentalists groups which was at least a good thing for them
Of course every fire now is always the worst evah. Just like every rain, wind and snow storm, it’s the worst evah. With the non-stop MSM coverage playing it up, it always appears worst.
It has to be worse now because in 1871 it wasn’t on television.