My New Year’s resolution for 2021 is to go full bore whacko religious on climate change.
No more Mr. Science Guy. No more using reason and real science when debunking climate alarmist voodoo. No more articles appealing to reason, facts, and no more debunking of a fake consensus.
That means, instead, ridiculing the warped gospel of the Church of Climate Change.
Q: What’s the difference between the Church of Scientology and the Church of Climate Change?
A: It’s not rationally measurable.
Both belief systems claim a superior, infallible moral authority. Both impose severe penalties on apostates. In the case of Climatism, the penalties include public vilification and career damage, whether in science, academe, politics, most of the media, and in many corporations who have signed up to it. In the case of Scientology dissent provokes intense long-term harassment.
Both try to enforce their belief system aggressively in any society that allows them to thrive. Both of them threaten their critics with derogatory excess. Neither of them tolerates satire and generally lack a sense of humor.
Q: What’s the difference between L Ron Hubbard, the High Priest of Scientology, and Al Gore, the High Priest of Climatism?
A: Hubbard is dead.
Q: How to challenge those scientists who claim that anthropogenic warming is not proven?
A: Invite an angry 16-year-old girl to address the Pope, the World Economic Forum, the European Parliament, and the UN General Assembly to prophesy the warming apocalypse (8 – 12 years to go) … “I want you to panic”
Q: How does the government forecast negative climate effects in the future?
A: Appoint a climate prophet (such as wombat expert Tim Flannery).
Q: How to sell climate change as dangerous?
A: Show archival photos and videos of raging bushfires, drought-stricken land, and overlay text or commentary, blaming it all on climate change.
Q: How to appear politically pro-active on climate change?
A: Provide massive subsidies for renewables, enabling rent-seekers to make fortunes.
Q: If renewables don’t deliver energy when required, what’s to blame for the shortfall?
A: Climate.
Q: Why have all global warming models been so badly wrong?
A: The Church of Climate Change has full confidence in ‘the science‘. Its science.
Q: If research data conflicts with the ruling orthodoxy on global warming, what’s the most effective course of action?
A: Adjust the data.
Q: How to respond to arguments that question the basis of climate alarmism?
A: Ignore the arguments, silence the ‘deniers’, demonize scientists who challenge the ruling orthodoxy, preferably have them sacked.
Q: Even if governments believe that carbon dioxide emissions cause global warming, why do they impose massive disruption on Australia’s economy and energy prices when our emissions total some 1.3% of the world’s total?
A: The Church of Climate Change is guided by ‘the science’. Its science.
Q: How do climate ‘skeptics ‘characterize alarmists?
A: Brainwashed fools.
Q: How do climate alarmists characterize ‘deniers’?
A: Evil bastards.
Read more at Spectator AU
Sir David Attenborough has some suggestions for our new year resolutions
The M.S. Media can make a resolution to tell the Truth for once
Great post
Learned a lot
Like the ban on DDT and CFC’s based upon Junk Science and Politics Evolution and Climate Change/Global Warming is Junk Science being taught as Fact by the left
I suggest you use these methods but with data that can be checked. And add simple accusations of dishonesty and malfeasance by the establishment figures against the people. It isn’t hard to support them with provable facts, not opinions. Point out what a corrupt, evil zealot Maurice Strong was in his hatred of the successful Western democracies he created the IPCC to destroy, so the East could more rapidly take global power, through the World Government aspirations of the UN of course. A Mao lover in fact, as the rest of them still are.
It is also easy to show how the methods of Nazi propaganda, the creation of large central lies that cannot be proven but must not be challenged, and silencing of the truth are at the heart of the promotion of climate change as a means of control of democratic freedoms that depend on maximising energy use per person. Also as a way to enrich the less idealistic but greedy selfish insiders with regressive subsidies and taxes imposed to support fraudulent cures for a non problem in fact, that cannot achieve any of their claimed actual benefit, except profiting those selling them and their subsidised output.
This is SO like religion, created through fear of death and what you can never prove so must believe, and its inquisition and Papal indulgences. The problem is most people are too stupid and tribal to want to either find out or challenge it. Even when they can see none of the prophesies are actually happening. The rains always come in the end, so keep making sacrifices to the temple, believe in us and have faith. Execute the unbelievers.
Only education can challenge the lies of climate change, but that itself was corrupted by the lies being included into the science curriculum, as assertions because the science easily shows how they are wrong. Too many people with arts, humanities and soft sciences think they understand when they have never even checked the numbers because they never learnt how.
And the so called solutions ARE demonstrably so wholly regressive on the basic technical measures of climate policy versus the solutions of gas then nuclear that we are delaying by wasting massive resources on non solutions that lobbyists are making fortunes on, while attracting ministers to their boards after office, of course, etc.
I feel sure if the tale of the creation of the web of deceitful pseudo science by the UN IPCC, now disproven by the hard evidence of ice cores and satellites, to profit dishonest politicians and their crony capitalists by fraudulently based law, malfeasance at the people’s expense, was told well it would work. Like this but with a few key facts.
But where is the platform to deliver this?. For a start all the people who do understand need to act together, stop explaining, and start telling people what is being done i to ruin their childrens future in their name of climate change is a non problem on the evidential facts and that cannot be changed by the expensive pseudo science solutions enforced on the masses in its name… on the costed science and engineering.