A new study by a team of climate scientists and published by the European Geosciences Union reveals that the Antarctic ice shelf area has grown by 5305 km2 from 2009-2019, gaining 661 Gt of ice mass over the past decade.
The new observations confirm the findings of eminent meteorologist Professor J. Ray Bates whose research has shown that trends in polar sea-ice levels give little cause for alarm. [emphasis, links added]
In a paper published just over a year ago by the Global Warming Policy Foundation, Professor Bates contrasted climate model simulations – which predict significantly decreasing sea ice levels in both hemispheres – with empirical data and observed trends in Arctic and Antarctic sea ice.
Professor Bates said:
“In 2007, Al Gore told us that Arctic sea ice levels were ‘falling off a cliff’. It’s clear now that he was completely wrong. In fact, the trends in sea ice are an antidote to climate alarm.”
Professor Bates also says that little reliance should be placed on model simulations of future sea-ice decline:
“Climate models failed to predict the growth in Antarctic sea ice, and they missed the recent, marked slowdown of sea-ice decline in the Arctic. It would be unwarranted to think they are going to get things right over the next 30 years.”
Professor Bates’ paper can be downloaded here (pdf)
Gore the Bore and his two fake Documentaries needs to have his two underived prizes revoked its quite plain the reason Gore received the awards was Politics not science
The increased melting of land ice flows as freshwater onto the shelf.
Freshwater freezes at a higher temperature.
Not a good sign.
We should be far more concerned about cooling than warming. Whilst warmer weather may be uncomfortable, ice sheets covering half of Europe and North America would be much worse!
Slightly warmer temperatures can easily be ameliorated with cheap energy from abundant fossil fuels, a reason we have dealt easily the heat in the south via air conditioning. And that warmer temps allow for longer growing seasons.
Even just a small amount of cooling is definitely worse with shorter growing seasons and increased deaths from cold. Doesn’t even need to get to the point of ice sheets covering North American and Europe to be disastrous for human life.