The green energy future is not green at all, a stunning new documentary shows how corrupt and destructive it is to our environment.
A former KPMG employee in London realizes that the green energy movement is corrupt throughout.
“The whole time things started feeling funny. It was like a glitch. It’s like, this doesn’t feel right. These people are doing these big projects, making lots of money. But they’re not sustainable. You know, these are some of the most ego-driven monsters. There is a lot of dark stuff in these companies’ supply chains. It’s all about money, and they’re using the sustainability agenda as just another tool, another stick to beat their suppliers with.” – Alexander Pohl, former employee, KPMG London. “These people are everywhere. it’s a systemic corruption.”
The Green Movement is based on lies: Man has not become the biggest climate driver, and green energies are not rescuing the environment. The opposite is what’s real.
Marijn Poels’s latest film, Headwind, shows us that much of the green energies now being installed are irreversibly ravaging the environment and how it’s about corporations making tonnes of money.
What we are told are solutions today will be the environmental disasters of tomorrow.
Greta is in for a rude awakening.
Also, see:
h/t Rúnar O.
Read more at No Tricks Zone
Just the sight of all those windless turbines makes my blood boil. The only thing green about them is the money the crooks make off them. The green industry is a lie built on a lie. Too many people has misplaced trust in the MSM and politicians.
Great doco. Everyone should watch this.
Liberals and the Eco-Freaks will try and keep the Public from seeing this film in any way they can one thing is for sure it will not be getting oscar after they gave it to Gore for his first fake film A Inconvent Truth which was false and misleading title