This Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, the NAACP wants man-made global warming to be seen as a civil rights issue, arguing King’s vision of a society free of racial injustice can’t be achieved without addressing warming.
“We see climate change as a civil rights issue,” Jacqueline Patterson, head of the NAACP’s environmental and climate justice program, said in an online radio spot for the Yale Center for Environmental Connection.
Environmental activists have been increasingly framing global warming as a matter of “environmental justice,” since “minority and low-income populations are disproportionately affected by global warming,” Patterson told Yale’s online radio Climate Connections.
Traditionally, such concerns focused on traditional pollutants from factories or vehicles, but the NAACP is expanding it to carbon dioxide, which scientists blame for warming the Earth in recent decades.
The environmental movement has fretted in recent years that it’s not diverse enough, and groups, like, have tried to draw parallels between global warming and alleged police brutality that sparked riots in Ferguson, Mo., in 2014.
Environmentalists say poor, minority communities are the least able to adapt to rising global average temperature and more frequent and intense extreme weather — despite there being little to no evidence for the extreme weather bit.
The Obama administration used “environmental justice” concerns to promote its Clean Power Plan, which aimed to cut carbon dioxide emissions from existing power plants.
“Carbon pollution standards are an issue of justice,” former EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy told activists in a teleconference call in 2014. “If we want to protect communities of color, we need to protect them from climate change.”
The Trump administration has proposed repealing the Clean Power Plan, largely on the grounds it would cost billions of dollars for little benefit to the global climate.
However, critics say promoting climate policies championed by Democrats will hurt minority communities, not help them. Regulating carbon dioxide could raise energy prices, which disproportionately affects poor families.
A 2014 Pacific Research Institute report found the Clean Power Plan could result in an extra $408 a year in energy costs for African American families in Ohio.
“Households in lower-income African-American neighborhoods would be hardest hit with the cost of electricity equaling 26 percent of household income, or even higher,” according to the study.
Read more at Daily Caller
I wasn’t aware the MKL’s “vision” of the future was Marxism.
Oops, sorry, no disrespect for MLK intended .. I mistyped (a little dyslexic apparently). That should have read:
I wasn’t aware the MLK’s “vision” of the future was Marxism.
Sorry about that Martin !
Just as idiotic as Al Sharpton’s blabbering claiming his race was building civilizations while whats were still living in caves What a egotistical fool
Don’t expect ever to see leaders of the Climate Change Agenda put in jail, no matter how serious their crimes. As always, leftist movements simply morph from one scam into another, with a new apocalypse awaiting. The public, as always, will be too consumed by the next doomsday prediction to remember the last. And of course, NONE of this could ever be done without the full cooperation of the political activists in the media, education, and Hollywood.
This group has outlived it’s “usefulness” by 30 years. Re-inventing and re-defining your core beliefs and goals is a sign of decline and failure of any political/bureaucratic entity. Supporting the climate change pogrom is actually advocating a modern version of fascism and the new slavery. Great move NAACP, your 180 degree left turn means you’re 95% in the dust bin of history!
Newsflash for Spike Lee CHARLTON HESTON once marched with Martin Luther King Jr if MLK was alive today he wiuld have told you that you Hollywood ignoramus
A basic process here is parasitic political movements. We have been referring them to for years as hidden agendas in the climate change movement. These are political goals that have a no chance or a tough time making it on their own merit. This includes de-industrializing America or forcing people out of the cars. In linking the climate change movement to the Civil Rights Movement, climate change is the parasitic political movement.
There is real injustice with climate change, but the villain is the climate change movement. The victims include the elderly who are cold in their own homes in England, the poor in the US, those who can’t pay their power bills in Germany, and the millions with no power who will get it later or at a higher rate due to the climate change movement.
Well this is indeed good news . The oh so scary global warming con-men have now given up on “settled science ” now that the science community is less intimidated and free to return to the scientific method . What this really means is they are out of ammo and are left to smoke blowing with hearths and mind stories in hopes of inspiring remaining fools in their con-game . In doing so they demean an honest man .
Read the crowd climate charlatans . They are not buying what you have to sell .
Just like when Hansen addressed members of Congress picking
one of warmest days and wouldn’t you know it the air conditioning was magically turned off . You know when manipulation is fundamental to a science issue the “science” reeks of desperation.
It’s been that way ever since .
Nice to know this con-game is over . Too bad so many people died from fuel poverty and tax payers were ripped off $$ billions to accomplish absolutely nothing .
Once the Fifth Estate gets cleaned out the perpetrators of climate fraud can join the traitors in jail . At least they won’t likely get the Seth Rich treatment .
Yes. This is what MLK made his stand for:
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their politically correct climate environmental justice speech!”
Excuse me while I throw up.
Oh boy here we go again all this Global Warming poppycock this has got to be the biggist hoax in the history of humanity bigger then the Trojan Horse,The Hitler Diaries and the Al Capone’s Vault’s and it all has to do with Money and Politics and no one was saying a thing about Global Warming/Climate change back in the 1960’s and Al Bore was still a unknown little microbe back then