In the Marvel film “Avengers: Infinity War,” Thanos, a superbeing from another planet, is seeking six gems — the Infinity Stones — to put into the Infinity Gauntlet, a weapon which, when completed, enables the one who wears it to extinguish half of all life in the universe with just a snap of his fingers. [bold, links added]
Thanos is cast as a supervillain, but he thinks of himself as an altruist. He explains to another Marvel character, Dr. Steven Strange, that he witnessed the destruction of his own planet, Titan, and that his motives for using the Infinity Gauntlet are purely beneficent:
“Titan was like most planets — too many mouths and not enough to go around. And when we faced extinction, I offered a solution … I could simply snap my fingers and they would all cease to exist.”
Thanos dismisses Strange’s accusation of genocide. “I call that ‘mercy,” he says. “The hardest choices require the strongest wills.”
Here in the real world, we have our own class of self-appointed deities trying to run the planet, including Bill Gates and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum (WEF), the army of World Economic Forum minions who have made their way into national governments across the globe, and the World Health Organization.
These puny gods and the countless others who preach their dogma demand that we worship at the altar of “climate change,” implementing policies they espouse without question, allegedly to save us all from destruction.
In keeping with the Marvel metaphor, here are six “gems” of our lives over which the mad titans of “climate change” seek control: energy, food production, housing, currency, laws/law enforcement, and governance.
In each, they are demanding the implementation of policies that they insist will “save the planet.”
These elites display the kind of arrogance that always precedes catastrophe.
They assume that they are so brilliant and omniscient that they can anticipate every eventuality, every possible snag. Any student of history should be able to debunk that claim, but very recent events offer yet another pointed example.
In 2018, the government of Sri Lanka imposed agricultural regulations driven by the WEF’s “climate change” agenda. All nonorganic fertilizer was banned.
Within two years, agricultural production collapsed. Then, the overall economy. This past week, riots in the capital city drove the government leaders to flee the county.
Other nations don’t seem to be getting the message. England is trying to prompt farmers to “retire.” The government of the Netherlands has announced a plan to close a certain number of farms and ranches to help ameliorate the effects of “climate change.”
(Rumor has it that the WEF plans to buy up Dutch farmland. This isn’t far-fetched; WEF devotee Bill Gates is now the single-largest farmland owner in the United States.)
Dutch farmers and citizens have taken to the streets in protest. Similar protests have erupted in Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland, and Armenia.
There is plenty of reason to believe that housing and energy policies that are driven by “climate change” will produce equally dismal results.
Even more ominously, the other three “stones” are tied to the enforcement of whatever policies our “climate change” titans manage to implement.
A digital currency can be manipulated by those in control of it, and actual wealth frozen or taken from those who oppose the regime.
As we’ve already seen in other contexts here in the United States, law-abiding citizens can be targeted by law enforcement for defending themselves or their property, or characterized as “insurrectionists” or “domestic terrorists” for protesting what they believe to be illicit or ill-advised government actions.
And the sovereignty of independent nations is the ultimate impediment to the global implementation of the goals being advanced by the “climate change” demigods.
Then again, maybe policy failure is part of the plan. An outgrowth of environmentalism generally, the “climate change” movement has adopted many of environmentalism’s more extreme tenets, including population reduction.
Despite the spectacularly wrong predictions of his 1970 bestseller “The Population Bomb,” author Paul Ehrlich is still considered the granddaddy of population-themed environmentalism.
Ehrlich maintains that the ideal population of Earth is less than two billion people, an attitude that science writer Alex Berezow has described as “openly misanthropic (and) vaguely genocidal.”
Toward the end of “Infinity War,” it becomes clear that Thanos’ plans have not played out as he envisioned. He, like all megalomaniacs, blames not himself but his victims, who refuse to be suitably thankful to Thanos for the unfathomable losses his actions have inflicted.
In response, Thanos decides to double down on his methods:
“I thought that by eliminating half of life, the other half would thrive,” Thanos complains to the surviving Avengers.
“But you’ve shown me that’s impossible. As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be. I know what I must do. I will shred this universe down to its last atom, and then, with the stones you’ve collected for me, create a new one … a grateful universe.”
History shows that megalomaniacal ideologues — consider Pol Pot, Mao Zedong, and Josef Stalin — do not care how many millions of people die in pursuit of their failed ideologies.
Thus emerges one of the universal lessons in Thanos’ story arc: When the plans of the powerful fail, it is the powerless who pay the price.
Thanos and the Infinity Gauntlet are fiction, but the threats we are facing are real. Those who want global control over our nations and our lives must never get it.
Read more at Townhall
Hollywood is a Satanic worship centre, as Mel Gibson has rightly revealed. The climate change activism by some actors is, to some extent, just a way of distracting the masses from what’s really going. And to another extent, it is about totalitarian control of humanity and global resources for the few (such as Gates and Schwab), to the detriment of the many.
Some of us were invited to join such elite circles long ago, but refused to do so on moral grounds. I was absent from this forum for over a year because I had bigger fish to fry than tired old global warming scaremongering. However, it is still necessary to point out to some that many on the political right have been heavily invested in this climate catastrophism. Simply knowing that global warming is a scam is but one piece of the puzzle. It is important to know who the Bushes of this World and their ilk really were or are, for example. Blaming everything on Al Gore and the political left is easy, but it doesn’t achieve much other than make one feel a bit better.
True results can only come when one understands the role that crony Capitalism and false Conservatism has played in supporting Communist ideals.
Enviromentalisms become a radical and dangerous New age Pagan Cult that woll copy the Aztecs they will soon be ripping out the Hearts of Skeptics
Laura Hollis, this is a brilliant article. You bring all the evidence together of what’s been going on for all to see and ponder.
From where I sit in Australia which is now ruled by a socialist government (with 30% primary vote) that recently told us our greatest threat is “Climate Change” and not the CCP, as indicated by its aggressive trade and military behaviour towards us here in the South Pacific.
Coincidentally, we are also being told to overcome the now obvious shortage of electricity on the country’s eastern seaboard, this is where most Australians live, we need a lot more renewables. Nuclear and coal are simply not a part of the future, according to this new labor government and its energy minister, Chris Bowen who, by the way, has never had a real job other than in the labor party’a political apparatus.
Australia’s new government is pretending that to ensure national security, we must do more to overcome climate change. This is the most frightening change in focus I can imagine.
Xi Jinping will be clapping his hands and drinking the best champagne when he hears this because the equipment the labor party will need for their expanded renewables plan will come from CHINA. None if it is made in Australia. And for those (of us) who live on the eastern seaboard, 90% of our population, blackouts are now guaranteed in the not too distant future.
Bill Gates knows the truth. He doesn’t care about truth. He knows AGW is a lie, that Covid was not scary for anyone not already about to die, he knows that 99% of all current monkeypox cases were caused by sodomy amongst gay men, he knows there is no real food shortage. They aren’t deceived about the state of things, they just intend to deceive us which, is what their father, satan, insists they do.
These PIGS are making demands from which they have
nothing to personally gain. LOL
These PIGS never make a move from which they don’t personally gain ENORMOUSLY!
How did they become rich?
Are their riches ever diminished even thru their so-called
“Charitable Acts?”
So true, P.Z.P. Bill Gates has bought a lot agricultural land in the US for one reason. Food production and the massive income he will gain from that given food supply problems he and his comrades are deliberately causing.
This guy is really evil and let’s not exclude is mate George Soros.
By my rough calculation, Bill Gates owns. 0007% of the arable farmland in the USA. I challenge him to farm his 269,000 acres with battery – only powered machinery. Better yet, I’ll let him off that hook by challenging him to stipulate that his farmland holdings can only be worked by battery powered machinery, in perpetuity. His investment would become very unprofitable immediately.
That’s how far away we are from banning fossil fuels. Batteries alone couldn’t handle .0007% of America’s crop production.
Some of the more radical Eco-Freaks want Humans to become Extinct like the Dodo we would rather bring back the Dodo,Great Auk Passenger Pigeon HEATH hen Etc and have the Eco-Freaks get stranded away from the Paparazii and their warm safe home
Gates would do better learning basic biology and how photosynthesis paints the environment green, converts sunlight to life’s energy, provides all of our carbon based life’s carbon, provides all of our atmospheric oxygen, and has two molecular ingredients – CO2 and water. All of life dies without CO2. Recycling more of it by using coal, oil, and gas, is the best contribution to the environment human beings have ever made.
I agree Barry Bateman! However when their agenda is to save the earth by destroying the Earth then science and truth take a back seat to their lust of self! They truly serve the evil one and they are completely delusional to their own eventual demise. I suppose this is the part I least understand with these fools. They always act as if they will never die and yet they in a sense are already dead.People with a heart understand that all of us go eventually and it helps mold us into more compassionate people but these fools think they are above everything, including their creator.
Well said. These depraved idiots know the truth. They are peddling lies on purpose to accomplish their own exaltation. These demoniacs think themselves gods, they don’t even view us as people but as animals, or, in the words of Klaus Schwab, “Worthless eaters”.
Bill Gates knows the truth. He doesn’t care about truth. He knows AGW is a lie, that Covid was not scary for anyone not already about to die, he knows that 99% of all current monkeypox cases were caused by sodomy amongst gay men, he knows there is no real food shortage. They aren’t deceived about the state of things, they just intend to deceive us which, is what their father, satan, insists they do.