News consumers everywhere should prepare for the onslaught of climate change stories ahead of the UN climate summit next week.
Instigated by Columbia Journalism Review and The Nation, more than 250 media entities joined forces to foster urgency and action regarding the climate “crisis” and devote extra time to what CJR claimed was “the defining story of our time.”
Partners included CBS, PBS Newshour, Bloomberg, AFP, Getty Images, Adweek, CQ and Roll Call, The Guardian, Newsweek, Rolling Stone and many more including a huge number of local media.
All media and institutional partners agreed to spend more time on climate change the week before Sept. 23, so expect a whole lot of carbon shaming, eco-lecturing, and climate apocalyptic prophecies.
CJR bragged the activist media coalition was “Throwing a billion news consumers behind coverage of the climate crisis,” in its e-newsletter “The Media Today” Sept. 16.
The Covering Climate Now website listed a “small sampling” of climate stories from media partners including 14 items (three from CBS alone) all published on Sept. 15.
Here are just a few of the stories:
- “How extreme weather threatens people with disabilities” from Yale Climate Connections
- “Javier Bardem on Greenpeace Documentary ‘Sanctuary’ and How Hollywood Can Spread the Climate Change Message” in Variety
- “Climate Activists Don’t Know How to Talk to Christians” at The Daily Beast
- “Industrialized Militaries Are a Bigger Part of the Climate Emergency Than You Know” from The Intercept
CNN’s chief media correspondent Brian Stelter gave it favorable coverage even though CNN wasn’t one of the partners. He interviewed CJR editor and publisher Kyle Pope about the project on his podcast.
Before the interview, Stelter said, “I’m seeing a lot of change, frankly a lot of improvement, in the volume and in the tone around coverage of this crucial [climate] issue.”
CJR’s email and website rejoiced over its success at turning a pack of media into activists with “Covering Climate Now.”
It actually dismissed the idea that the effort was turning journalists into activists saying, “This concern distorts what newsgathering is about. Journalism has always been about writing wrongs, holding the powerful to account, calling out lies.”
“It is heartening, then, to report that the press may, at last, be waking up to the defining story of our time,” it wrote. “We weren’t going to tell people what to write or broadcast; we just wanted them to do more coverage, and to do it better. Close the gap, we urged them, between the size of the story and the ambition of your efforts.”
Of course, it won’t just be a week if CJR and The Nation get their way. They intend to continue “talking with our partners” about how to continue the “momentum.”
Read more at NewsBusters
Dr Tim Ball – Historical Climatologist
Book ‘The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science’.
Book “Human Caused Global Wa rming”, ‘The Biggest Deception in History’.
BREAKING – Dr. Tim Ball wins @MichaelEMann lawsuit – Mann has to pay
I agree with Amber.
The media hype on AGW will. backfire on the Dems.[at least I hope so].
My own limited experience of technical exchanges with journalists – and that includes some with titles like “science editor” and “environmental editor” – has led me to believe that they have no grasp of science, the scientific method or even basic mathematics.
Most have no grasp of the very basic scientific units involved.
They merely express their own narrative opinions and the opinions of those who hold the same “scientific” beliefs – its a religious cult.
So the average journalist is unable to discern the difference between real science and a mathematical conjuring trick.
You mean the donkeys who disrespect the m or the b in front of illions?
“Journalism has always been about writing wrongs, holding the powerful to account, calling out lies.” Perhaps that was true 50 years ago, if ever. Today the new media are a major source of lies about items like extreme weather events increasing, the roll of carbon dioxide in influencing the earth’s temperature, and a host of others lies from saying climate change is adversely impacting polar bears to crop yields. I wonder if a modern journalist if even capable of recognizing the truth.
If a lie can run halfway around the world before the truth can tie its laces, it doesn’t mean that the truth will lose the race.
What is happening resembles Olympic figure skating. The MSM are the Russian judges. It’s up to the spectators, in the end. Climate Change is in danger of losing its spectators.
People who let themselves be slandered by the msm
are just as stupid as the msm takes them for.
Ironically, a number of these ” SHEEP ”
aren’t even stupid !
They’re just too lazy to think for themselves
too lazy to look up things
too lazy to verify claims
too lazy to think and use rational processes
They’d rather have the printed word
do that for them
If this continues
they will get what they deserve
even though
The media in the USA grew fat and lazy , counting on convenient leaks from people like James , Mr Integrity , Comey .
But really what they are having a break down about is the Democrat Party disintegration . Their liberal drinking pals thought they could tear up the Constitution and buy votes for ever…. then the music stopped . It didn’t just stop they were caught lying on a regular basis and now people are just tuning them out feeding a desperate spiral down and out .
In fairness much of the Republican Party were in the same boat and those people are being pulled like bad weeds . All very very upsetting .
The American people are going to get their country back and that just kills the alt -left preachy liberals .
I recall a comedy record from way back when, “The Last Blast of the Blasted Bugler”.
The “media” are making a last-ditch effort to salvage their reputations before the crash. After 35 to 40 years of proclaiming the “The End Is Nigh”, they see the writing on the wall – it’s over. If this last push can’t convince enough people to vote next year for the “Green New Deal”, their collective name is “mud”.
The election is still over a year away, and researchers are coming up with more and more results that don’t match the IPCC agenda. I’m optimistic that it will all turn out OK…..
After Hillary, Angela, Justin, et al, what do they have to lose? Their reputation? lol
Four more of years of Trumpian winning has them staring into to the head lights of a Mack truckload of oblivion.
By all means use the Hollywood celebrities to push “Climate Disaster” or whatever it’s called today. That will really help, having DiCaprio and the other super-wealthy, ignorant actors who fly on private jets, own multiple homes (including next to the beaches), own super yachts lecture us what we must give up to “save the world”.
What is the media’s game exactly . they keep pumping an overblown fraud for what ? People in my world are just shutting them off as the credibility drops .
What do the mental midgets at the N Y Times think another baseless person attack on a Supreme Court judge is going to get them ?
Are they still just angry Trump won , did their free information highway get disrupted when leakers like Comey were fired ?
Have they been bought with promises of tax payer funded subsidies like the ones in Canada are chirping for . That nasty internet has just ripped the mask off the loonie Liberals trying to shove their views on everyone .
Thank you CNN for the 7 hour expose on why you would have to be a communist to vote for any of those 10 Democrat want to be’s .