CBS News criticized Trump EPA's deregulation by going full doomsday, claiming it jeopardizes public health, clean air and water while...
Read moreAfter CNN aired EPA's rollback orders, climate expert Bill Weir claimed government coding was 'typos and placeholders' to falsely smear...
Read moreUPenn's Michael Mann and his lawyers were sanctioned for 'extraordinary' misconduct in climate defamation case.
Read moreWhile pollen levels vary, urbanization and land use changes—not climate change—are driving Atlanta’s allergy season.
Read moreMedia hype fuels climate panic, but data shows disaster deaths, burned areas, and flood costs drop with adaptation—far cheaper than...
Read moreLegacy media hyped a $1M libel award against Mark Steyn but largely ignored the court slashing it to a mere...
Read morePBS and AP push climate alarmism, ignoring data showing CO2 benefits, declining climate and disaster deaths, and stable marine ecosystems.
Read moreNYTimes pushes climate fear, smearing Trump’s policies as reckless while ignoring facts, omitting counterpoints, and advancing the left’s green agenda.
Read moreSwedish Radio exposed UN climate falsehoods, including misattributed sea level rise, exaggerated disaster claims, and a debunked child mortality stat.
Read moreReuters admits net zero goals have failed despite trillions spent on renewables, with energy prices rising and fossil fuels remaining...
Read moreClimate alarmists are losing credibility as resistance to their policies grows, with skepticism fueled by flawed data and unreliable models.
Read moreDespite media whining, oil giants are dumping renewables and net-zero goals in favor of profitable oil and gas.
Read moreRecent studies confirm AMOC is stable, debunking media's catastrophic claims about climate chaos and an impending collapse.
Read moreFAO data debunk NYTime’s climate-driven coffee crisis claims, showing long-term production and yield growth despite seasonal fluctuations.
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