Climate Depot’s Round Up of Coverage of the alleged ‘March For Science’
Climate Depot’s Marc Morano: “Having spent the day in DC on April 22 interviewing the marchers, it struck me about how this is first and foremost a march for endless government funding, ideology and in support of a no dissent policy. (Another new study gives plenty of reason to dissent: New Climate Study Calls EPA’s Labeling Of CO2 A Pollutant ‘Totally False’)
The Trump administration can help make science great again by resisting these pay up and shut up demands for taxpayer research money.” See: Bloomberg News: Obama ‘stashed’ $77 billion in ‘climate money’ across agencies to elude budget cuts
Watch: Princeton Physicist Dr. Will Happer criticizes ‘March for Science’: ‘It is sort of a religious belief for them’ ‚Äì Dr. Will Happer on Fox News: Asked about more government funded science? Happer: “We’ve had 8 years of very highly politicized so-called research on climate. It’s not what most of us would recognize as real scientific research. Something where the outcome was demanded before the funding was provided. We should tend to real environmental problems and fix them and stop chasing these phantom problems that are really just religious dogma.”
Pictures and reports about the ‘March for Science’
‘March for Science’: Politics Disguised as Science: When to Doubt a Scientific ‘Consensus’ ‚Äì The early claims of 97% ‘consensus’: In 1992, former Vice President Al Gore reassured his listeners, “Only an insignificant fraction of scientists deny the global warming crisis. The time for debate is over. The science is settled.”
The March is over:
Prof. Roger Pielke Jr.: ‘The smartest people on the planet want to oppose Trump & the best they can come up with is a march in support of themselves?’
See more photos
MARCH FOR SCIENCE UNDER ATTACK FOR LEFT-TILTING POLITICAL AGENDA ‚Äì “It clearly has a partisan framing,” said Roger A. Pielke Sr., senior research scientist, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences at the University of Colorado Boulder. Mr. Pielke, who has been criticized by the climate-change movement for challenging the “consensus,” said he fears the event may erode the public’s trust in science by reinforcing the impression that research is being spun to advance political causes. “I feel this will hurt the reputation of scientists as honest brokers,” said Mr. Pielke in an email. “This march will make them (appropriately) seen as advocates for the liberal side of the Democratic Party. This is not healthy for science, and more broadly, in terms of how scientists engage with policymakers.”
The left loves to set up it’s Straw Men to bravely knock down. “Not even Hitler doubted Climate Change.” Well no one does doubt climate changes. Duh…
They also love to conflate separate issues. Much like they love to combine two separate types of “immigrants” into one. The illegal aliens and the legal immigrants.
Almost no one is opposed to legal immigration, seeing as everyone came to North America from some place else. Even the so called “natives”.
So if you are opposed to the illegal “immigrants”, this conflation makes it easy to paint you as being opposed to all immigration and a racist.
They do the same with “Climate Change”. There is the invalidated CAGW hypothesis, or Mann Made cLIEmate Change and then there is Natural Variability.
This conflation allows them to call anyone who is skeptical of the failed science to be labeled as a “denier” of the reality that is “Climate Change”, which no one actually does deny.
This is Rules for Radicals at work.
The idiot holding the stupid sign is totaly lost in stupidland
Of all the popes before this one Pope franscis is a total fake a he is satans pope being used by the forces of evil embracing the false religion of Enviromentalism
Almost correct Spurwing. We have a naive Pope who personally believes in the principles of socialism. Environmentalism is merely the means to get there.
That said, it’s incredible that the Pope could simply ignore the abject failure of socialism worldwide and the untold misery and horror it has spawned. The Pope is like many other neo-socialists – he accepts socialist promises at face value while conveniently forgetting how it nearly always devolves into dysfunction and brutal tyranny. Many neo-socialists are so in love with the promises they fool themselves into believing that the only problem with socialism is that the “right people” (people like themselves) have never been put in charge of the benevolent bureaucratic dictatorships. Even the impending collapse of oil-rich Venezuela has no effect on their enthusiasm.
The Roman Catholic Church is fading into irrelevance due to it’s disconnected self-serving doctrines and it is losing active membership and funding. This Pope is a result of the Church searching for a new and marketable popular culture image. The nebulous cause of “social justice”, which essentially translates into “forced redistribution of private wealth” appeals to young dreamers who have no reference with history, economics, or true Constitutional justice. The hip new Pope embracing socialism in the name of “social justice” is no more than a calculation designed to bolster a failing church that will gradually replace its Christian identity with the populist catch of the day.
Interesting enough
Fat Slob Liar Fakeumunetarian Mikey Moor
said recently that he wanted to
” take down an American Presidency ”
Americans aren’t supposed to remember he tried to do that
in 2004 with his fraudulent fake called “Fahrenheit 911 ”
He made plenty off that
And had a supreme gloating face at Caen
But the pig did not take down a presidency
Nor will he ever despite his self-righteous idiocy
Mikey just can’t understand how inferior he is
He ‘s not capable of seeing that
He thinks of his superiority.
A “Real” march for science would call for science that adjusts theory’s to match observations. Science that can make skillful predictions.
cLIE mate UN-science, instead “adjusts” the data to fit the invalidated “theory”. And has never made any skillful predictions.
That Mr’ Fraudy Pants has his face plastered all over this is no surprise. Yeah “scientists” are under attack, by leftist loons doing drive by shootings.
When socialists tell us who “God hates” you can take it to the bank. Clearly God had a special relationship with Joseph Stalin, Chairman Mao, and Pol Pot. The gulags, reeducation camps, and killing fields were clearly inspired spiritual works…
Enviromentalisms become a radical new age pagan religion where virgins and the unborn are to be sacrificed and used as offerings to their many deities these eco-freaks worship during their enviromental celebrations and now skeptics have to be weeded out for the worshipers of gaia to control the population of skeptics listen to them howl like a pack of wolves as the full moon rises as they force everybody to go vegan ban livestock ranching and poultry farming and force everyone to worship at the Church of the Holy Earth Mother