With boring regularity, when voters are asked to rank their choices, “clean” energy is not a top priority.
Only 7% of Australians want the government to promote renewables ahead of other major issues.
It’s the same old, same old for years, yet the media and both parties are locked in a death spiral trying to turn it into an election issue. Real people put living Standards above Virtue Signalling, says Alan Moran.
Essential Report Oct 2018: Rocketing into top place is the cost of living. Stuck in the dull middle is renewables.
Split voters into left and right, and remarkably they all want the same things. (So we’re all still human, though it says something about the type of questions asked.)
Conservative/liberal voters want to be able to afford stuff, stay alive, have a home:
Liberal voters put renewables at number 10 out of 13.
Labor voters want to be able to afford stuff too:
Even Labor voters are only putting renewables at number 6.
The polarising media makes out we are all so different, but it’s remarkable how closely the answers matched.
Nearly the same order, nearly the same percentage. Conservatives spread their answers more (are less homogeneous). They care more about state debt and terrorism, but whatever.
The message to Conservatives for the 58th time is that they can drop the whole Paris thing, the media will go crazy, but the public won’t.
Obviously, it’s no accident that Abbott, Trump, and Dean all won.
As for the 17% of conservatives who want renewables, that’ll vanish the moment our nation starts a discussion about how expensive they are, and how pointless. Over to you Scott…
Read more at JoNova
Now it looks like in the Land Down Under the voters have chosen Common Sense over the demands of a whole bunch these Back to Nature idiots a blow to the demands of the Greens Al Bore Bill Nye,Leonardo DiCaprio,Laurie David,Barack Obama the Greens and the Useless Nations
We are hounded year after year with a pack of lies from the media, the IPCC, our politicians. We have been accused of being the worst polluters in the world. We have had our grocery bags confiscated as if we are naughty children to save the planet from….from….Asia and Africa! We have sent billions on the “prophecies” of ratbag cranks like Tim Flannery who has never been within a country mile of accuracy. We must be blindly guillible and naive to the point of total stupidity to believe even one word on the fake climate change lies. What a mess. Our cost of living is skyrocketing, our power prices more so, our heavy manufacturing and fuel processing going or gone and any future change of government to the leftist/communist/Marxist Labor Party will make it far worse.
“Things are bad but they could be worse, so we’ll see how we go with it mate.” I emigrated in ’70 – I managed to miss a whole bunch of pollies that I wouldn’t try to ‘put out’ if they were on fire. I had to check out Reedy Creek – the old man lived in the short lane just below the summit of Skyline. Cheers…..