The increase in Arctic sea ice volume during November was the largest on record.
November snow cover was the largest on record in North America.
Rutgers University Climate Lab:: Global Snow Lab
And it was the fourth coldest November on record in the US.
Meanwhile, our leading experts are warning that we are burning up and Arctic ice is disappearing.
Read more at Real Climate Science
Ah but Tony, that’s just weather! It’s the climate that the climate scientists care about which is very different. Unless it is warmer than normal or some major storm hits, a forest burns, or … Then it’s proof of the global climate change caused by all that CO2 we produce to keep warm and fed.
If you realy listened to Al Gore and his mindless banter and read his stupid poem you would think the world was coming to a end Gore is the biggist Con Man around along with DiCaprio,Obama,The Pope Travolta and David(Laurie)as well as the various Eco-Freak groups