On Tuesday’s MTP Daily on MSNBC, fill-in host Katy Tur fretted over the refusal of many Senate Democrats to vote in favor of the Green New Deal program when Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell brought it up for a vote.
At 5:51 p.m. Eastern, during “The Lid” segment, Tur brought up the issue: “Let’s talk about the Green New Deal. There was a show vote — show vote — McConnell let it in the Senate in order to back the Democrats into a corner — to make them say yes to a proposal that the Republicans want to hang them by in 2020.”
She then posed: “Why don’t the Democrats, if they, as Chuck Schumer said — want to own the issue of the environment and of climate change — push back and say, ‘Yeah, I’m happy to own this’? Why just vote present?”
After liberal panel member Heather McGhee of Demos mocked Sen. Mike Lee as spouting nonsense and argued that the real problem is for the Republicans, who are hurting themselves on the issue because millennial Republicans are “way out ahead” of their elders and more liberal on the environment, Tur followed up:
The science is there. I mean, the science is there — it’s not disputed. Was the mistake of the Green New Deal to put too much into it — to talk about a universal basic wage to make it too aspirational and to not focus it on the things that should get done immediately when it comes to climate change?
After right-leaning New York Times columnist Bret Stephens argued that banning the use of fossil fuels with the Green New Deal is not economically feasible, Tur persisted that “the science” demands radical change now:
But the science — the science is there, and you can’t — it’s hard to argue with the science when you look at the report that was put out by the U.N., the congressional report that was put out.
The science says that if swift action is not taken and big actions are not taken — quickly! — then we’re not going to be in a good position in 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 years — that we don’t have the luxury of coming up with a slow easing into new energy sources and a slow easing into a new version of our economy.
The science does not make the argument that you’re making, Bret.
As Stephens began to comment, “What you’re saying, in effect, is that we need to go on something like a war footing against –” Tur jumped back in to declare: “That’s what the science is saying. That’s what the U.N. scientists are saying. That’s not me — that’s what people who study this are saying. They’re alarmists.”
MSNBC should go first and stop wasting carbon by broadcasting.
Read more at NewsBusters
“The science is there. I mean, the science is there”… Where is “There”?
“But the science — the science is there, and you can’t — it’s hard to argue with the science”… Ok. But where is the “Science”?
After all these years and all the claims and all the “scientists say” articles there has to be… NO! There assuredly and absolutely must be a single site where any and all may go to see “The Science”. Before we spend 100 TRILLION DOLLARS to transition back to the good old pre-fossil fuel days we are going to INSIST on reviewing “the Science”!
Where does one go to see the Progressive research leading to the original hypothesis of “Global Cooling”? Or to see what research lead to the new hypothesis of “Global Warming” and (currently) the research leading to the newly revised hypothesis of “It’s Climate Change”. Where does one go to review experimental methods and related data for some good old independent analysis?
So you want transparency. That would be nice. You are obviously a “Denier”.
Lately I have gone beyond just knowing that the environmental leftists are wrong, but I also try to understand their thought process. Due to extreme censorship it is a safe assumption that Katy Tur never heard of the close correlation of solar output and the earth’s temperature history, or the shoddy science that goes into the IPCC reports, or the data tampering by NOAA, or the 30,000 scientists and many studies that dispute the climate change dogma. To her, we have a do or die choice and we must select the do, even though it would destroy our economy and standard of living.
One reason that the environmental left is so set against a presidential commission to explore climate change is it would make maintaining the censorship more difficult.
Whoa whoa whoa. Slow down here. You expect Katy Tur to understand that the warm on Earth comes from the sun. Too much!!
Katy Tur and Ocasio are more than “just” friends.
I’m sorry, but the science is NOT there. The science has been distorted, or frankly changed in the record. Watch: https://youtu.be/IFlsJ1o3fVc
I have a new theory: CO2 is plant food. Every jr. and sr. high school science class teaches this. Although a follow-up lesson is Global Warming nonsense, since so many teachers are automatons spewing out propaganda.
Idiot. Usual millenial type that doesn’t know history. J.W.Woods disputed the science in 1909 (Arrenhius C02 THEORY). The science is disputed by THOUSANDS of qualified scientists.
Katy Tur has long been regarded as a bit dim. Some use “retarded” to describe her, but that may be too harsh. Regardless, she is not the sharpest tack in the box. Fullest realization of this assertion comes when reading written transcripts of her diatribes. They are rambling, nearly incoherent discourses that exhibit numerous logical fallacies. She is simply in too deep. But, good enough for MSNBC.
Most people I know have deserted them. I do watch them the first evening after something major happens. Just so I can see how they twist it. Then I depend upon online non-MSM for how it progresses, and I keep in mind how the MSM spun it to begin with. Almost always,it never matches.
So who still trusts the M.S. Media anymore and especialy A-MESS-NBC and the Lying Peacock News Network and Tur is just one of the rasons Americans no longer trusts them
Even further, the media conveniently trusts the “science” of the IPCC and the UN, which is a 100% political body that produced nothing but political science, to suit an agenda. They conveniently do not use any critical thinking.