We hear “the planet is on fire!” Climate change will lead to the “collapse of our civilization!”
It’s unpopular to question that narrative, but ClimateDepot.com founder Marc Morano does anyway.
People try to shut Morano up. When he tried to speak at Georgetown University to question climate change narratives, students honked horns to drown him out.
“They can’t handle dissent,” Morano tells me. He blames that on indoctrination that starts in grammar school.
“It’s an indoctrination that’s so complete that by the time they get to high school, they’re not even aware that there’s any scientific dissent,” he says.
Morano has a new movie, Climate Hustle 2, that includes important facts that we all should hear.
It includes Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer saying, “if we would do more on climate change, we’d have fewer of these hurricanes,” when that’s simply not true, as Morano points out in his movie, citing congressional testimony.
In the video below, Morano takes on more climate myths — from tornados to sea levels. And I push back on his movie’s claim that “stopping climate change is not about saving the planet … it’s about Climate elites trying to convince us to accept a future where they call all the shots.”
In the early days of the global warming movement green activists would find out the schedule of those speaking against their cause and get their engagements canceled. The motivation is just as obvious now as then. The climate change theory is quickly destroyed by any real scrutiny. That is bad news for those using climate change to promote other agendas such as new taxes and big government.
John Stossel, Marc Morano is right. The WEF and their Great Reset is the same totalitarianism or they call it Technocracy as the UN IPCC and their sustainable development agendas Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. The elites want to turn us all into serfdom. Why would they say… ” you will own nothing and be happy about it”
The reason is they won’t buy everything you own they will just take like the Communists did in eastern Europe after the war.
Climate Hustle is the Truth while both the films made by Gore and DiCaprio are total leftists Propaganda
DiCaprio i not Scientists he is Hollywood Celeberty and this whole Global warming/Climate Change is a big time scam its just another plan by the Globalists
it has been well-established that, for approximately 80% of Earth’s 4.56 billion-year history, the planet has been completely ice-free. That ice caps still remain present at both poles is a unique feature of our world.
“So the first question we want to ask is suppose there was no CO2, no greenhouse gases in the Earth’s atmosphere. What would happen?” And the first answer should be that without CO2, all life would be dead – that is 200 year old biology. The CO2 “fertilization effect” is an understatement. It is only appropriate for the range of increased CO2 used in greenhouses. (up to 1600ppm, which produces the strongest, healthiest, most beautiful and productive plants) Cyanobacteria took one or two billion years to create ANY free O2, let alone our current 20%. All of the first O2 had to oxidate (rust) all of earth’s surface iron before any free O2 could form. ALL life’s energy and all our atmosphere’s oxygen comes through photosynthesis: sunlight plus CO2 + water gives sugar + O2. CO2 is FAR MORE IMPORTANT TO BIOLOGY THAN IT IS TO CLIMATE. The sugar produced by photosynthesis provides ALL OF THE ENERGY REQUIRED FOR LIFE ON EARTH – MAKING CO2 along with water THE BASIC INGREDIENTS FOR ALL LIFE ON EARTH. AND CO2 CONCENTRATIONS HAVE BEEN DECLINING FROM CONCENTRATIONS TEN TO TWENTY TIMES THAT OF TODAY’S AT THE BEGINNING OF MULTICELLULAR EVOLUTION NEARLY 600 MILLION YEARS AGO. DECLINING TO TODAY’S NEAR LETHAL LOWS (all life begins to die at CO2 levels of 100-150ppm). During glacial phases of our ongoing Pleistocene/Holocene ice age, CO2 concentrations drop to within 30ppm of lethal lows. That is because CO2 dissolves MORE AS TEMPERATURES DROP. And CO2 outgasses from water as temperatures rise increasing atmospheric CO2. The natural relationship is temperature CAUSING CO2 concentration changes (CO2 lags by about 800 years) – not the reverse. And making the 180-280ppm natural range of CO2 during our ongoing Pleistocene/Holocene ice age the COLDEST (and nearest to lethal) RANGE THAT EARTH HAS EVER ENDURED during multicellular evolution. Far too close to lethally LOW LEVELS OF CO2. While EVERY MEASURE OF CLIMATIC TEMPERATURE REMAINS WELL WITHIN NATURAL RANGES. Well within the one thousand year Eddy cycle’s 4 degree C range which bottomed out in the 16th century and which will top out after warming another 2 degrees C naturally. Well within the natural variations of our current ongoing Holocene twelve thousand year interglacial. And well within our current ongoing Pleistocene/Holocene ongoing ice age – three million years so far – the coldest the earth has ever endured. And since the climate remains well within its natural temperature ranges of the last three million years, in spite of CO2 levels not seen in twelve million years. The 41% increase in CO2 since the mid-twentieth century has been nothing but a Godsend to life on earth – and insignificant to climate.