Afternoon temperatures during the first week of January have been declining in the U.S. for a century and have dropped more than ten degrees during the last decade.
The percentage of nights below 20° and 10°F were highest on record this year.
But January wasn’t always cold like this in the US. During January 1790, Philadelphia was having temperatures over 70 degrees.
Read more at Real Climate Science
Rakooi Hey Know it all its Summer in Australia this time of year and their seasons are in reverse down below the Equator as if you did’nt know the truth you pea-brain
RAKOOI … It’s called WEATHER. High pressure over central Australia and inland Queensland resulting in HOT DRY conditions over the central West of NSW and Sydney. Watkin Tench, Lieutenant, Royal Marines embarked in the fleet which sailed to found the establishment at Botany Bay. He resided at Port Jackson (Sydney) nearly four years, from 20 January 1788 until 18 December 1791. He maintained a daily journal (“A Complete Account of the Settlement at Port Jackson) and recorded a number of incidents where birds and bats died from heat exhaustion – literally falling out of trees. He recorded high temperatures on several occasions e.g: ”December 27, 1790. Wind NNW; it felt like the blast of a heated oven, and in proportion as it increased the heat was found to be more intense. At 9 a.m. 85 degrees (f). At noon 104 degrees Half past twelve 107. From one p.m. until 20 minutes past two 109 degrees. At sunset 89. At 11 p.m 78 1/2.”
Given that the non-indigenous population was 552 at that time – no bitumen roads, few buildings, no industry, no vehicles, a few farm animals etc it would be difficult to blame the heat wave on anthropogenic global warming!!
Still waiting for comedian Bill Nye’s “warmest year ” bet .
Maybe the temperature adjusters in NOAA are a little too nervous
to create complete bull shit at the moment. With the EPA staff being cut by 50% can NOAA be far behind .
Lot’s of openings in France for climate con-men .
I repeat: It snowed measurably in all the Gulf states in December, first time since 1898. It snowed (16″) in the Sahara Desert last week. Eat fudgecicles, Rakooi.