Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner were spotted eating dinner Thursday night in downtown Washington, D.C., with top Apple executives, one of whom is on the board of the Clinton Foundation.
Trump and Kushner ate out with Apple CEO Tim Cook and Lisa Jackson, the former Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administrator under President Obama and vice president of Apple’s environmental initiatives, Politico reported.
Jackson has been a Clinton Foundation board member since 2013 after she left the EPA. Jackson departed EPA amid an email scandal — she was using an alias email account under the name “Richard Windsor” while heading the agency.
President Donald Trump attacked the Clinton Foundation during the campaign as a “pay for play” scheme after internal campaign emails leaked detailing the undisclosed massive donations the nonprofit got from foreign leaders and corporations.
Jackson even fundraised for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. The Apple VP co-hosted a Clinton fundraiser with Cook in the San Francisco Bay area last year. Tickets reportedly cost between $2,700 and $50,000.
It’s unclear what Trump and Kushner talked about over dinner, but a Politico report from December suggested the “First Daughter” hoped to use her platform to highlight man-made global warming. The report sparked speculation Ivanka could be her father’s unofficial global warming czar.
Ivanka Trump also met with former Vice President Al Gore, a global warming crusader, at Trump Tower in December. Gore met with then-President-elect Donald Trump after meeting with Ivanka. Kushner is a senior adviser to Trump.
But, so far, Ivanka Trump has made no public statements on global warming. On the contrary, President Trump signed executive orders greenlighting two controversial oil pipelines, and promised to stop funding United Nations climate programs.