We should laugh at climate hysteria, especially the fantasy proposals for stopping evil climate change.
Electrify everything by running it on wind and solar? Restructure the economy? Restart the world in a green image? Stop eating meat and drinking milk? These proposals are all laughable, so feel free to laugh at them, as it will do a lot of good.
Same for the scary science that supposedly justifies these outrageous proposals. It only exists in monster computer models that are deliberately programmed to produce it.
True science is based on observation and we are seeing nothing to support these fantastical hot models.
Floods, droughts, heatwaves, hurricanes, and wildfires, are all continuing to occur in normal amounts, along with sea-level rise. Dealing with natural disasters is important but hoping to prevent them by not using gasoline or gas is just nuts.
Why laugh? There are several good reasons. First of all, ridicule is a powerful form of criticism. Properly used ridicule is far more effective than anger.
Laughing at the green fantasies also makes them a lot less scary, especially the “end-of-days” climate scares. This helps alleviate the fear that is being forced upon the children.
But the best reason is that it feels good to laugh. Anger is useful in its proper place, but endless anger is debilitating. If you think about it the right way, these green fantasies are hilarious. I read the green news for laughs and they never disappoint.
Moreover, fixating on the fantasies distracts us from the real issues. These are the dangerous small steps that the fantasies are used to justify.
For example, pushing electric vehicles or subsidizing the building of more tax-sheltering wind farms and acre-eating solar slabs. Combining the two is a superb fantasy.
In the case of wind and solar, the battle has to be fought at the project level, but making fun of the fantasy can be very useful. President Trump’s great joke is a good starting point; “Honey, I want to read tonight. Is the wind blowing?”
The answer is often, “No dear, sorry,” because the wind is a terrible source of juice. Just because the blades are turning does not mean it is generating.
It takes sustained strong wind over 30 mph for full power, which seldom happens anywhere in America for very long.
What does happen frequently is they produce no power at all, during prolonged periods of low wind. In fact, heatwaves and cold snaps (when we need the most juice) are often low-wind events lasting a week or more.
Solar reliably produces no power two-thirds of every day and none for days in bad weather. There is no way to store the huge amounts of juice we need every day, hence wind and solar alone simply do not work. Trying to electrify all of our uses for gasoline, diesel and natural gas just double the impossibility.
Therefore, the rush to do all of this “green stuff” just speeds up the failure. They will hit the wall of impossibility at a higher speed.
First, the impossible target was 2050, then 2040 something, and now 2030 or sooner. The politicians have been competing, but blind to the simple fact that they are staking their careers on impossibilities.
We can all look forward to the collapse of alarmist climate policy. The best way to do that is to make fun of it because the stupidity is truly hilarious.
In the short run, we will need some good blackout jokes. Let’s not forget some good electric vehicle charging jokes, which ought to be easy. And, we really need good jokes about bad science.
Then, there is the United Nations Climate Change Conference (a.k.a. COP26), a true circus. President Joe Biden is reportedly taking a whopping 13 cabinet bigwigs and other federal goons.
Imagine them all crowding into a tiny clown car, an electric one of course, and running out of juice. They can take turns peddling a generator!
They are not negotiators, so what will they be doing in Glasgow? Probably handing out brochures at the American Pavilion.
That is what most of the 20,000 or so fly-in delegates do—a huge sideshow you never hear about, but should laugh about, especially given the roaring energy crisis going on around them. A few blackouts would do them nicely.
Climate hysteria is laughably stupid, so let’s start laughing. It is easy to do, once you try it.
Read more at CFACT
“We can all look forward to the collapse of alarmist climate policy”.
I pray you’re right on that one, because anyone who dares the question the whole “man made global warming” narrative, you get shot down as a “climate denialist”, “conspiracy theorist”.
When will this whole “climate change” madness come to an end?
I agree that climate alrmism is a laughable obsession. However as we are seeing, it was actually the canary in the coal mine:
Scaring people into accepting climate hype has led to huge areas of rational thought and civil society being wrecked.
“Fear leads to Anger; Anger leads to the Dark Side”. What was a Hollywood bit of fluff has turned dangerously prophetic.
It all began in 1963 with the publication of Rachel Carson’s fake book Silent Spring followed five years later(1968)with Paul Ehrlich The Population Bomb and then then Fast Forward into the 1990,s with Al Gore and Earth in the Balance(Gore had his Thumb on the Scale)Patrick Moore one of the origional founders of Greenpeace(Origionaly called the Don’t Make a Wave Society)quit when they became too Radical. the whole modern Eco-Freak movement is based upon Junk Science,Politics and Lies
Chicken Little Insists Making All Those Environmental Changes Has Almost No Good Effect – a mnemonic for C L I M A T E C H A N G E
You have forgotten one thing, the Climate alarmists want you to have no pets. Pets have a high carbon footprint if that’s your thing. So these climate alarmists are effectively wanting everyone to go without pets. A thing to remember next time you talk to one of these carbonphobic, eco-extremists.