A climate-change skeptic says some upcoming Earth Day marches are primarily political in nature, even though organizers claim the focus will be on the earth and climate.
For a variety of reasons, skeptics of all backgrounds downplay concerns about alleged “global warming.” But individuals, think tanks and special-interest groups ‚Äì most of them liberal ‚Äì believe man’s burning of fossil fuels is driving up temperatures and resulting in bigger, more powerful storms.
That’s why on Saturday, April 22, a “March for Science” will take place in Washington, DC, and other parts of the country to coincide with the observance of Earth Day. One week later, the “People’s Climate March” will occur in the District of Columbia and other cities. The website for the latter event states:
“Everything we have struggled to move forward in the United States is in peril. Our loved ones feel under siege, and those in power in Washington are advancing a dark and dangerous vision of America that we know is untrue.”
Climate Depot‘s Marc Morano, a skeptic of catastrophic man-made global warming, says this isn’t about science.
“The entire march is based on the premise that President Trump is destroying the earth, destroying the climate, and [that] this is going to be devastating,” he tells OneNewsNow.
Calling the March 29 march a “mass mobilization,” the national coordinator of the Peoples Climate Movement describes the Trump administration’s repeal of Barack Obama’s Clean Power Plan as “a dangerous step that puts people and the planet at grave risk.”
Saturday is Earthday the time of the year when all the green nuts come falling from the nut tree and just wait for them and their idiots to march through the streets comparing trump to one of the villians from that CAPTIAN PLANET cartoon garbage show or calling him the big buddy to poluters and the Global Warming/Climate Change president you can always count on the eco-nuts to be behaving like total idiots every earthdy