Ron Barmby, author of “Sunlight on Climate Change: A Heretic’s Guide to Global Climate Hysteria” (Amazon, Barnes & Noble) spoke with Mike Ryan of TNT Radio (TNT Radio ( about what he uncovered in the recent IPCC report, Climate Change 2021: The Physical Sciences Basis.
Ron’s findings: after being made famous by Al Gore and adopted by the IPCC, then being made infamous by its historical and statistical failings and subsequently dropped by the IPCC, the hockey stick temperature graph is back!
And a new narrative is being introduced that carbon dioxide has been demoted to causing only half of human global warming to date.
Mike discusses with Ron the four things wrong, and often in conflict with, the report itself with the latest doomsday science from the IPCC. LISTEN:
Ron Barmby is a featured Climate Change Dispatch writer. You may use all or part of this article provided that any such use is accompanied by author attribution and a link to the original article.
At this stage, the only way to get a sensible energy & climate policy discussion going is through a fully informed, HONEST debate. If the facts were on the alarmists/activists side, they’d WELCOME a “Red Team v. Blue Team” climate debate. Same with energy. If you understand energy imperatives (cost, energy & power density, scale & sustainability) you understand that “100% renewables by X Date” or “Zero Carbon Economy” are basically slogans untethered to reality. Time for all the nonsense to stop. Let’s insist, as an informed electorate that we expect (and deserve) BETTER than the ongoing lunacy. The next revolution begins at the November mid-terms. I just hope the voters send a LOUD & clear message to the progressives and we start the critical course change that is needed. Otherwise, I have some real fears for the long term viability of our Republic… .
The authors of the IPCC Summary for Policymakers openly admit that they do not include the UNCERTAINTIES that are contained in their own Technical Summaries. These uncertainties clearly show the Climate Models are NOT accurate and there is NO CONCENSUS from the scientist regarding Human Attribution of the changes in climate.
Straight from the IPCC Technical Summary Working Group I Fifth Assessment 2013
Time to Ditch the UN and the IPCC and all Nations effected by this whole IPCC Scam should do the same
No amount of lying can make the Cockey stick true.
No amount of Cockey stick can make a lie true.
Any amount of true will make Cockey stick a lie.