The upcoming 6th IPCC Sixth Assessment Report will be a “comprehensive assessment of the science” related to climate change and published in 2022.
However, don’t expect it to be “comprehensive” at all as hundreds of scientific publications showing profound impacts by sun and oceans will go ignored.
Climate science has turned into a religion that centers on a single act of faith. Human CO2 is changing our climate.
In the past, it was always understood that climate was impacted by a vast array of factors, such as oceanic cycles, solar cycles, aerosols, cloud cover, etc. to name a few.
Images: NASA (public domain)
But over the years tremendous resources have been poured into an effort aimed at pinning the blame on man-made greenhouse gases. Models have been grossly distorted and corrupted to make CO2 the 90%+ climate driver.
Despite global temperatures falling by more than 0.5°C over the past two years due to the ending of an El Nino event, IPCC scientists continue to insist that trace gas CO2 is the main driver behi9nd climate warming.
In the IPCC 5th summary report for policymakers, for example, solar and oceanic factors described as having little effect on global temperatures:
Source: IPCC 5th Summary Report for Policymakers.
With such a disregard for natural factors, it is no surprise that we are already observing the spectacular failure of the climate models.
Not only have ocean cycles been grossly ignored in climate models, but so have solar factors. The sun is not constant in its behavior and has been shown to act in cycles that have profound impacts on the earth’s climate system.
Research showing sun’s impact piles up
Despite all the effort to frame CO2, scientists are still conducting a formidable amount of research on the sun’s impact.
Indeed since the last IPCC report was released in 2013, there have been literally hundreds of scientific peer-reviewed publications showing that the sun, directly and indirectly, has a great impact on the Earth’s climate. Yet IPCC scientists obstinately continue to refuse to acknowledge these in their models.
Back in 2013, I produced a list of 123 paper showing that the sun impacts global climate.
More than 600 published papers show a clear solar impact on climate
NTZ guest author Kenneth Richard has been busy listing the papers as well. What follows is the list of papers showing the sun impacts global climate.
2012 123 papers had been published and ignored by IPCC 4AR
In 2014, 93 papers were published.
In 2015, 95 peer-reviewed papers were published
In 2016, 133 papers were published.
In 2017, 121 peer-reviewed solar papers were published.
In 2018, so far, ca. 60 papers.
That brings the total of scientific peer-reviewed papers that will be completely ignored by the IPCC to 625. If that isn’t fraudulent “science-based” policymaking, then what is?
Aim: Human society in shackles
The aim of the IPCC is to ignore recognized standards of science, frame mankind for a nonexistent crime, and shackle human society. It’s the next planned slavery. The developing countries, who will be denied cheap and reliable energy, will bear the heaviest chains.
Read more at No Tricks Zone
Gerry. Just like Robert Kennedy Jr wants certain people treated as War Crinimal’s over this Global Warming/Climate Change hoax his reletive go away with Murder
Every advocate of anthropological climate change ignores anything that doesn’t support their view. They have to. Those who pay proper attention to the data such as the sun’s impact will no longer believe in the fraud.
One thing we need to be aware of. Even if the IPCC scientists acknowledge that the sun could have an impact, it would never appear in the summary report. That is because the report is not written by scientists. It is written by politicians who are strong advocates of the climate change movement. That is why it is called a summary report.
The last summary report acknowledged that extreme weather events do not appear to be increasing. I wonder if that fact will make it into the new report.
Tornado capital of the world, USA, is a slacker this year. 60% of average reported so far. And “Climate Change” is not making them stronger. That won’t make it to the headlines.
David is right, the summary for policy makers is a political tool that glosses over the movement’s weak evidence.
“The aim of the IPCC is to ignore recognized standards of science, frame mankind for a nonexistent crime, and shackle human society. ”
What is missing here??? The LIE. It is all a LIE.
The aim of the IPCC is to shackle human society under the rule of ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.
Obama is saying as much at the Mandela Conference
If Earth could be so vulnerable to slight changes, why would they expect the Sun to be a constant? Doesn’t make sense.
The IPCC just like the rest of the Useless Nations has been wasting our Time and Money on this whole Climate Change/Global Warming Hoax and its way past time to cut off their allowance and cancil the UN’s bank account