Extended spring-like weather also occurred in Europe 50 years ago.
It’s been mild across Europe, bringing some relief from the hardships of winter.
Yet, the media again reports the mild weather as if it’s something bad, which has never happened before. [emphasis, links added]
But of course, this is not true.
What follows is a newspaper clipping from January 14, 1974, published in ‘Die Welt‘:
Fifty years ago, the Die Welt reported that (temps in Celsius):
Spring in Winter – 15 degrees warm
The ‘spring in winter’, which has been ongoing for weeks, has reached a new high point on Sunday. The temperatures climbed in some Alps valleys and in the Bavarian lowland up to 15 degrees amid a strong foehn pattern. The thaw has reached to high elevations.
Even on the Zugspitze, Germany’s tallest mountain, a sensational temperature of 0 degrees was reached in January. Up to 10 degrees was even measured at 2000 meters. The ski slopes at lower elevations were no longer usable.”
(But shhhhhhh…you’re not supposed to know this.)
Read more at No Tricks Zone
We are so ill-informed today and I include myself when saying that. This is why I read so much, to find out what I don’t know, especially on topics like so-call climate change, previously called global warming.
There are so many instances in the media, on the TV news at night, when reporting a weather event for being (supposed) extreme be it hot or cold or a storm, and the report suggests “it’s never happened before today”.
Planet Earth is around 3.5 billion years old and has been through countless changes from the time is was created to today. These changes were huge – beyond our tiny imaginations – consider tectonic plate movements that put various countries where they are today, for the biggest and best example.
The temperature on Earth has been much hotter in the past vs today and that makes sense when we consider the planet in actually cooling from the massive high temperatures that existed when the planet formed.
Over that very long 3.5 billion years, there were many ups and downs to temperature, yet Earth is still here and so are we. It seems to me, that’s not going to change in the short to medium term, so we should focus our attention on issues more important that so-called climate change.
I would like to suggest what we could focus on:
No more wars.
No more hungry people in the world
Continue using our intelligence to stop diseases from killing humans.
And – be careful how we allow new technologies to be used. (The WEF have big ideas here)
Ref: “Homo Deus”, written by Yuval Noah Harari. “A brief history of Tomorrow”.
Back in 1864 while the Civil War was happening someone(George P. Marsh) was claiming the Earth would become uninhabited place for Man