German skeptic and weather expert ‘Schneefan’ here writes how climate activist Mark C. Serreze recently announced this year’s sea ice extent was at the smallest all-time area.
But since then Arctic temperatures have plummeted and sea ice area has grown to over 14 million square kilometers.
At the sea ice portal, the development is clearly shown:
On March 13, 2018, sea ice extent in the Arctic reached 14.55 million km² and so the end of Arctic sea ice growth had in fact not been reached.
The plunge in the mean temperature north of 80°N to -25°C can be seen in the plot by the DMI, and so a growth in sea ice was expected.
After an increase to about -10°C in February (due to a weather pattern) the average temperature above 80°N latitude has since fallen to -25°C. Source: DMI.
Naturally, the German mainstream media such as ARD television pounced on the news and set off the climate catastrophe alarms, and thus ended up reporting totally falsely again on the real sea ice development in the Arctic: ARD: a heatwave in the Arctic.
A heat wave at a mean temperature of -10°C?
Below is what the ARD fake “heat wave” really looks like in the Arctic for the entire 2017/18 winter, shown by a plot of the NOAA reanalysis using measured and computed mean temperatures:
The NOAA reanalysis shows the mean 2m-temperatures for the northern hemisphere in the winter of 2017/18. Source: NOAA reanalysis
Perhaps the editors at ARD should have been more careful in checking where this faulty Arctic information came from before coming out with such climate-alarmist fake news.
A check on the Internet shows that the ARD report quoted Mark C. Serreze, a known climate activist, IPCC author, and the person who coined the term Arctic sea ice “death spiral”.
He worked earlier together with the now embarrassed Peter Wadhams, who over the past years falsely forecast the disappearance of Arctic sea ice on multiple occasions.
What unfortunately has escaped the media, such as ARD, is the fact that the Arctic ice cap at the start of March 2018 is much thicker than it was 10 years ago, see the alternating charts that follow:
Impressive growth: sea ice volume (smaller chart, black curve) is greater in March 2018 than the two previous years and is near the average level (gray area) of the past years.
As everyone is aware, the multiple-year ice melts more slowly than the thinner one-year ice – and so we will see how many Wadhams (1 Wadham = 1 million km²) will be left in September 2018.
This leads us to conclude that there is nothing left of the absurd, Al Gore envisioned, ice-free Arctic fantasies which were supposed to come true already in 2016.
Read more at No Tricks Zone
WOW, Tim. WOW! In the name of Climate Change, recant! Surely that was a poorly – told joke, or you misspoke. Every climate change expert knows that Arctic ice gets measured before the sun goes South. Jeez!
Global Warming/Climate Change is the biggist con-job ever pulled like the Trojan Horse a hide out for Big Goverment
Tim. Your comment is baseless and shows a complete lack of understanding of both ice and the Arctic. Those who live up there and have for untold generations find all this bs quite amusing. Not deniers Tim. Realists.
Why are you making it seem like the melting in the dead of winter with no sun up there for months now is ok? You are trying to make sure no one tries to do damage control by writing an article like this. Cherry picking facts just reinforces CLIMATE DENIAL PROFITEERS agenda and ushers mankind toward catastrophic climate meltdown as we know it.
And according to Al Bore the Arctic was suppost to be Ice Free by now coming from a sore loser and who wrote a totaly putrid poem