The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded “to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between the nations and the abolition or reduction of standing armies and the formation and spreading of peace congresses.” Two recent recipients were U.S. Presidents, Democrats of course, Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama. A U.S. vice-president also won the prize, Al Gore, another Democrat.
Jimmy Carter won his prize in 2002, long after his presidency, “for his decades of untiring effort to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts, to advance democracy and human rights, and to promote economic and social development.” Again, after his presidency and post presidential humanitarian efforts.
Barack Obama won his prize in 2009, just months into his presidency, “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.” Other than a few speeches, he had not done anything yet of substance. Surprisingly, his prize was not rescinded after Benghazi, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, and ISIS, all highly successful efforts in international diplomacy.
Al Gore received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007, “for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change.”
As a quick aside, of 130 Peace Prize Laureates, only 16 were women. Eight percent. Forget chasing Google. Social justice warriors have a much better target with the Nobel committee. Start the protests and boycotts.
Obama’s prize was awarded “on the come”, a gambling term for betting on cards that may come in the future. Or in business, compensation based on future success. The Nobel prize committee was betting that the “hope and change” media creation would actually pan out in the future.
Similarly, Gore’s prize was a bet “on the come” that lower temperatures would be coming based on Al’s movies, speeches, and carbon credits. The Nobel prize didn’t bring peace but instead brought fabulous wealth to Gore, paving the way for him to potentially become the “world’s first carbon billionaire.”
I never thought I would be giving kudos to the Nobel prize committee for their wise and prescient award to Al Gore. Few American Thinker readers would expect such an acknowledgment either. But credit where credit’s due.
Meteorologist Joe Bastardi, looking at global temperatures over the past twelve years noted something interesting. Temperatures were warmer when Gore won his Peace Prize in 2007 than they are today. As you can see in the chart below:
Shazam! Al Gore is actually lowering global temperatures. The Nobel prize committee got it right, giving Gore the prize is responsible for lower temps now than the day he won the prize. Or not.
Instead, the Nobel prize committee could have awarded the 2007 prize to Mother Nature, who is managing to lower temperatures without the need for books, movies, speeches, or carbon credits. A recently published German study concludes, “We can expect climate cooling for next 50 years!”
Al should be taking credit for lowering global temperatures rather than predicting doomsday. In 2006, a year before he received the famous prize, he predicted that unless we took “drastic measures” the world would reach “a point of no return” within ten years. Now eleven years later his predicted “true planetary emergency” has as much validity as predictions of Hillary Clinton winning the presidential election in a landslide.
If he had just kept quiet, he could now claim success given that global temperatures have dropped since the time he won the Peace Prize. But no. Instead, he has a second movie, doubling down on the failed predictions of his first movie. The new one is called, An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power. The only thing inconvenient will be more failed predictions:
“Stronger storms, worsening floods, deeper droughts, mega-fires, tropical diseases spreading through vulnerable populations in all parts of the earth, melting ice caps flooding coastal cities, unsurvivable [sic] heat extremes, and hundreds of millions of climate refugees.”
The left is missing a golden opportunity to bask in the success of Al Gore’s Nobel Peace Prize, taking full credit for lower temperatures today compared to when he won the prize. They could claim that their “green measures”, whatever they may be, are working.
Instead, they are snatching political defeat from the jaws a victory, in apparent imitation of the Republicans, beclowning themselves with silly headlines as recently in the NY Times, “North Korea aside, Guam faces another threat: Climate change.” If I lived on Guam, I would be far more worried about one of Kim Jung-un’s missiles landing on my head than being swallowed up by a rising ocean.
Read more at American Thinker
Oh look kiddies in TweedleeDumb and TweedleDumber and i’m calling the Jub Jub bird oh his I-Pod
Thank you Joe for drawing the example out . Every day hero’s , honest people , and citizens with a moral compass should not take a back seat to moral low life climate Armageddon promoters .
The great thing is time has exposed the false narrative and their reputations are history . I’m not sure there was a genuine urge to “save humanity” . Otherwise their hypocrisy wouldn’t be so evident . It was about their ego and money . Both short lived pursuits .
My article was to bring to attention the fact that Gore had created a strawman and was the hero fighting it, over a woman he performed unbelievable heroism in WW2 Saving 2500 children in the Warsaw Ghetto at the height of Nazi terror. The temp chart was to illustrate how absurd we have become to give an award of such prestige to a man who has done essentially nothing, over someone who did something that to me borders on the incredible as far as a true example of someone that did something for mankind. The article, and the real meaning of all this, not what it is being used for by both pro and con AGW sides, can be seen here. Very disappointing that the true meaning of what I wrote was missed, but then again that is the world today. The value of actual foundational reality is trampled under future nonsense, all pushed to push doom unless you succumb . Al Gore and his ilk represent perfectly what Mencken said. “The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false face for the urge to rule it.”
How are the sexual harassment charges going Paccuri ? Gone awfully quiet .
Al Bore writes to fruadulent books two fake documentries writes a putrid poem and cant get anyone to see A INCONVENT SEQEUL
Latest books and documentary.
‘The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science’.
My latest documentary and video of my presentation.
My website is <>
The Trans-mountain Pipeline will add 3/10,000 of 1% CO2 to the atmosphere.
Besides, CO2 is not a pollutant.
“Human Caused Global Warming”, ‘The Biggest Deception in History’.